Chapter Thirty: Crazy Family

Start from the beginning

My head fell against the window as we pulled down the driveway and mom twisted around in her seat to look at me.

"Here, I grabbed you your earbuds and the books you asked me to gab for you," she said handing them back to me. This lightened my mood slightly and I took them thankfully.

"Thanks mom," I smiled and put my earbuds in my ears and plugged them into my phone. Music filled my ears after a moment and I opened one of my books, shifting around till I was comfortable for the long drive to Idaho.


Challis, Idaho was a relatively small town; ranging at only about two square miles and populated by all of about four thousand people. I looked out the window and watched as familiar old buildings and pubs dragged by, cars parked along sidewalks and cruising down old asphalt roads. The town was surrounded by dry mountains and scraggly cliffs. It didn't take long to drive through the town and up into the hills, heading for Dad's parent's large house up in the more foresty part of Challis.

"It's so nice here, small and peaceful," mom hummed appreciatively and dad smiled in agreement. He had grown up here after all; he even knew how to fire a gun and shoot a bow and arrow. As the car cruised up a winding road, I looked out at the trees on either side, smiling as I saw deer on the side of the road and looked up to see a bald eagle soaring high and proud. This was probably my favorite part about coming here. Kyle would like it...

"There it is," Dad said smiling nostalgically as we pulled up to the large house nestled into the trees and parked in the wide gravel lot in front. There were already a ton of other cars parked and a noise of distaste rose in my throat.

"It'll be fine Ashlyn- look, your cousins are already coming out to see you!" Mom exclaimed and I climbed out of the car, smiling as multiple pairs of arms wrapped around me and four voices rang out gleefully.

These four were my younger cousins on this side of my family. Ross with his gray shiny eyes and fluffy green blue dyed hair, his little brother Connor with matching gray eyes and a head of dark brown curls. These two were Uncle Dorian and Uncle Edmund's adopted sons; the two were biologically related and from the same mother. Then Aaron, a small eight year old boy with shiny green eyes and straight black hair that hung flat against his head. He constantly wore a calm, almost stoic, expression; but don't be fooled, he was a trickster. He would pull pranks when you least expected and drive you up the wall. Then there was Emily. Emily with her bubbly smile and mischievous eyes of sparkling hazel accompanied by curly brown locks and dimpled cheeks. Anyone could tell she inherited her hair from her mother just seeing them side by side.

"You're here! I missed you!" Connor cried in his high pitched five year old voice.

"You're late! What's up with that?!" Ross demanded in the voice every ten year old gets at one point or another.

"Everyone is inside," Aaron said pointing towards the house with one hand, the other grasping my shirt hem.

"Let's get your stuff and go inside!" Emily said pulling my hand as she walked towards the car trunk.

"Woah woah, calm down guys. I'm sorry I'm late, okay? And I missed you guys too," I smiled and gave them each a hug to help simmer down. They trotted after me like a horde of puppies as I retrieved my bags from the back, firing off question after question. I answered each as we walked inside, mom and dad laughing from behind us. I kicked off my shoes and and trotted upstairs, not surprised that Ross, Connor, Aaron, and Emily were right behind me. Nudging my door open with my hip, I strolled in and set my suitcase on the end of the bed and my backpack with my sketchbook, shading pencils, laptop and charger beside it.

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