Chapter 21: Who Are You Gonna Call? [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

     However, no matter how hard she tries to think of something, her mind keeps wandering back to seeing Lucifer's true form for the first time; his long serpentine body covered in dark red, almost black, scales and his dragon-like head with a long forked blue tongue.  For a moment, Jean fantasizes about Lucifer using his long tongue to pleasure her in his true form and a spark of arousal goes through her body.  Lucifer's grace rouses in curiosity at what's turning his etam on and Jean is momentarily startled by how much stronger Lucifer's grace is inside of her.  'Must be because we're bonded now,' she thinks to herself.  She decides to try an experiment and focuses on the thought of Lucifer using his wicked tongue on her and, much to Jean's delight, Lucifer's grace reacts, becoming more and more excited.  She chuckles to herself and thinks, 'So I've got a new way of teasing you, huh, beloved?' 

     "Jean!!  Hey, Jean!"  Gabriel's shouting snaps her out of her erotic thoughts.

     Jean looks over at him and sees that he's really nervous, "Huh?  What?"

     "Knock it off.  I don't want my older brother showing up here all randy and ready to go."

     Jean laughs, "Sorry.  Could you see what I was thinking about?"

     "No, but I can sense Luci's grace emitting from you and smell your arousal."

     "Gross."  Sam mutters.

     "Focus, Jean.  Get your mind out of the gutter." Dean scolds her.

     "But if it wasn't for the gutter, my mind would be homeless."

     There's a small amount of chuckling from the three men; well, two men and an archangel; before they get back to their previous conversation.  "You sorry sons of bitches.  Why do you think you two are the vessels?  Think about it.  Michael, the big brother, loyal to an absent father."  Gabriel says while looking directly at Dean.  He then looks at Sam, "And Lucifer, the little brother, rebellious of Daddy's plan.  You were born to this, boys.  It's your destiny.  It was always you."  Gabriel raises his hands high into the air, "As it is in heaven," he starts to lower his arms towards the ground, "so it must be on Earth.  One brother has to kill the other.   From the moment Dad flipped on the lights around here...we knew it was all gonna end with you.  Always."

     There is a pregnant pause before Dean says, "No.  That's not gonna happen."

     "I'm sorry...but it is."

     "What about me?  What role am I supposed to play?"  asks Jean.

     Gabriel simply shrugs, "Nobody really knows.  To be honest with you, Jeanie, you're not supposed to even exist.  Mary Winchester was only supposed to be pregnant with one child...Dean."  The three Winchester siblings are disturbed by this new information.  "And, until recently, most angels just considered you to be a spare vessel for either Michael or Lucifer.  But then it was discovered that you're an etam and now most think you're a wild card...that you can tip the scales for better or for worse."

     There is an uncomfortable silence and Jean becomes lost in her thoughts again.  Her mind becomes consumed by what Gabriel just told her and she becomes unsettled.  Without really realizing it, she begins to pace back and forth, ignoring everything else...including the gentle prodding of Lucifer's grace inside her.  Suddenly, she's snapped out of her thoughts again when she plows into something solid and nearly falls backwards onto her butt.  A pair of strong hands catch her quickly and Jean looks into the surprised face of Castiel.  "Hi, Cass."  When she sees the look on his face along with a small amount of blood on the bridge of his nose she asks him, "Are you okay?"

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