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I woke up and saw my fancy red dress on the bed. Sean wasn't in the bed next to me. "Sean!" I whined. "Yes?" He said popping his head in. "I want your waaarmth!" I whined. He smiled. "Pweese?" I asked. "I'll ask you three questions. If you get two of them right, I'll cuddle with you." He said. "Fine." I said. "When's my birthday?" He asked. "Febuary 7th." I said. "When did I start my YouTube channel?" He asked. "November 12th." I said. "What's my favorite video game?" He asked. "Shadow Of The Colossus. That's an easy one." I said. He nodded and set the dress on the desk before climbing into bed next to me. "Why the questions?" I asked cuddling up to his chest. "Just what to know what my precious knows about me." He said kissing me lightly. I kissed back and dug my face into his chest after pulling away. "I love you Zendaya. Sleep now." He said. "Love you too ya doof." I said before drifting off to sleep again.

~Sean's Point Of View~

She doesn't know it yet, but I intend on flying her best friend Alex out here to visit for a couple days to see Zendaya. I've shot the information from Wendy so I just need to call her.

A- Hello, You've reached the most awkward person the planet will eve know.
S- Well Mrs. Awkward, my name did Sean and I do believe this is Alex right?
A- Yep. You've got the right girl. How can I help you Sean?
S- Does the name Zendaya or Wendy Aferman ring a bell?
A- The two girls who were my bet friends in high school. Nope doesn't ring a bell sorry.
S- *Giggles* Well shite, I had good plans.
A- Oh?
S- I'm Zendaya's husband, and I made aragments for you to come to Irelna dot visit Zendaya if you would like to.
A- Ireland? You Irish?
S- Yes I am. Is this a Yes?
A- When would I leave L.A?
S- Tomorrow at six.
A- I can do that, but just in case your some guy that really got lucky on names, tell me about the Aferman sisters.
S- Zendaya had purple hair and was adopted by the Aferman family. Her new last name is McLoughlin by the way. Both of the girls are Swedish.
A- Yep! Well Sean, could I know what you look like?
S- Of course! I have green hair and I'm short as balls. I might or not bring Zendaya with me. She doesn't know about this yet, it's a surprise for her. If I do bring her, she has long green hair like me and I don't tell her it's you we are picking up.
A- Well then Sean. I think she had a couple good reasons to get married to you.
S- Thank you! I'll write your name on a sign. Mind if I get your last name?
A- Oh, my full name is Alex Sandra Hoffman.
S- Got it. Ok, have a nice day Alex.
A- You too Sean.

I hung up and walked into our room seeing Zendaya sleeping peacefully. I layed next to her and wrapped her in my arms. She Got comfortable in my arms and I soon fell asleep with her.

Small edit...

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