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~Sean's Point Of View~

I woke up and looked at my green hair again. Nice! I woke up Zendaya and she grabbed my left shoulder lightly and pulled me back down next to her. I smiled and cuddled up with her breathing lightly. She hugged me back and fell asleep again.

~Time Skip~

~Zendaya's Point Of View~

Is woke up again and Sean had his hands on my back holding me close to him. I ran my hands down his back under his shirt and he flinched. "I know your up" I said smirking. "Shit" He responded smiling. I giggled and he sat up helping me. We got dressed and I walked out to the kitchen again remembering my green hair. I smiled to myself and made eggs. I poured some red a blue food dye in for a small taste of revenge and handed them to Sean. He gave me a surprised look and set the plate down. "Thank you my lady but I have a small question. Why are they red and blue to symbolize Ethan and Mark?" He asked. "Your stabbing them with a fork right?" I asked making against the table. He looked at me approvingly. "I suppose your right" He said stabbing the blue on. I smiled and made myself some eggs with res blue food dye too sitting down next to Sean. I stabbed the egg with res food dye an dwatched as It's now red yolk poured out like blood. (Sorry) Sean smiled and squeezed my hand. I ate the red one first then the blue in satisfaction. Sean stood up and grabbed my hand lightly pulling me into our bedroom. He pointed at the bed and there was a outfit with a card on it. I looked at him suspiciously and picked up the card.


Put on this outfit and meet me outside. I have lunch planned and I want to make it adorable for you!


I turned around and Sean was gone. I shrugged and pulled on the outfit.

 I shrugged and pulled on the outfit

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I looked at myself in the mirror. Damn. I did my makeup and fixed my hair into a messy bun then walked outside. There stood Jack looking adorable as ever. He wore a black beanie with some of my merch and black jeans with some converse. I looked at him and walked up to him. He held out his arm and I took it and kissing him on the cheek first. "You missed" He said pulling me in. He kissed me and I could feel sparks fly. We walked down the street to a cute bakery and we ordered some coffee. Some girls were whispering to each other and looked over at us. Hm. I waved a little and smiled and they all smiled back. One girl had blonde hair and was wearing a pink frilly crop top and short shorts. A different one was a brunette with a blue crop top and stars. They both had long heels and the brunette had skinny jeans with rips and tears. The third girl was way different. She had short orange hair and was wearing a green hoodie with skinny jeans too. She had converse like Sean and looked really calm. I bet she is bullied by the other girls. I whispered that I was going to go experiment something to Sean and he nodded. I walked over to the girls and the blonde shoved the orange haired girl out of the seat and to the ground. I'd didn't do anything about it at first. "Hi, what are your names?" I asked friendly like. "I'm Rachel!" The blonde said sticking out her hand. I shook it and smiled. "I'm courtney!" The brunette said sticking out her hand too. I shook hers and looked down at the orange haired girl who had hit the ground hard. "Oh! She's not important!" Rachel said when I stool out my hand for the orange haired girl to take. I glared at her and the orange haired girl took my hand hesitantly. "H-hi. I'm Michalea. But all my friends call me Mac" She said shaking my hand and smiling warmly. I shook it. "Do you guys know who I am?" I asked. They all nodded. "Why did you help her up she is irrelivant!" Courtney said spitting at her. I grabbed a napkin and wiped off her hoodie. "Actually, she looks like the most relivant person here. You two shouldn't treat others like shit. Now I want you two to opaligies before something bad happens." I said putting my hands on my hips. They said sorry and I turned to Mac. She was smiling and looking down. "Hey. If these two bug you again, call me." I said handing her slip of paper. She smiled and nodded. "Th-thanks" She stuttered smiling. "No problem" I said walking back to Sean. He was smiling widely. "What?" I asked unaware he had been watching the whole thing. "Your a wonderful person you know that?" He asked looking up at me and smiling. "Yep" I said taking some of my whipped cream and putting it on his nose. "As come on. Now I won't be able to get it!" He whined smiling. "That's the point" I said kissing him quickly. "So who were those girls?" Sean asked taking a sip of his warm coffee. "Mac is the Orange haired girl, Rachel is the Blonde haired girl, and Courtney is the Brunette" I said pointing to each one of them individually. "Ah. So what do you want to do toda-" Was all he could say before Courtney and Rachel slammed their hands down on the table angrily. Sean stood up but I motioned for him to sit back down. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" Courtney yelled at me. "A wonderful person who can also fight for the fuck of it. So I suggest you walk your ass out of here before you get yourself hurt, princess" I said smiling. She looked pissed. She stood back and so did Rachel and held up her fists for a fight. I looked at Sean and he sighed smiling a little. He started laughing. "Dude she has taken down a 175 pound man with nothing but her bare hands. I suggest you walk away before this gets ugly." Sean told them. They looks lightly scared as I cracked my neck. "Still wanna fight me?" I asked putting my hand on the table. She shot a punch for my stomach and kept her hand there. It hit me and she didn't pull back. "Mistake one, always pull back before you opponent can grab you" I said grabbing her wrist and bending her arm down. "She stayed there without moving. "Mistake two, always try to get out of their grasp" I said shoving her to the floor. Rachel ran at me. "Mistake 3, always try to hit me at once" I said dodging her attacks swiftly. I grabbed Her foot and dug it out from under her causing her to trip. "Need I go on?" I asked sternly putting my hands on my hips. They both groaned and I nodded in approval. I grabbed Sean's hand and we walked out with our coffee. "You should teach me how to fight" Sean said squeezing my hand. "Maybe" I said smiling. I realized a crowd of people had gathered around the cafe and were staring at the girls on the ground. Police were shooing them away but weren't looking for me. We walked all the way home and talked about YouTube and other things. I cuddled up next to Sean and grabbed his hands pulling him off the couch. He stood up and and raised and eyebrow smiling. I pulled him in and kissed him passionately. He set his hands on my hips and kissed an back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my toes to get closer and higher. He slowly pushed me up against the wall and ran his hands down my back making my while body tingle. Why does he have that affect on me? I got a phone call and sighed. Random number. I swiped left and held it up to my ear.


U- Unknown Z- Zendaya

Z- Hello?
U- H-hello?!
Z- May I ask who this is?
U- It's me Mac from the cafe! Rachel and Courtney are after me again. They shoved me in a storage room and I locked the door so they couldn't get in. They are banging on the door and yelling. They almost have the lock broken!
Z- I'm on my way.
M- Thank You!

I hung up and Sean looked worried. "It's Mac. She's is trouble come on." I grabbed his hand and rushed out of the door to the sidewalk. He ran with me and we soon made it to the cafe. There was a crowd of people. A police officer guarded the door. Sean and I ran up to him and paused. "Sorry nobody is aloud in there. Two suspects have weapons and are trying to get in the door to storage. "Weapons?! Oh no" I said grabbing Sean's hand. "Sorry sir, my friend is what they are after!" I said shoving him out of the way. We ran past and into the cafe were people gasped. Sean secured the door so the officer couldn't get in and the two girls turned around. One with a knife and one with a bat. I looked at Sean and he looked me. We both nodded. I ran up to Courtney who has a knife na dshe swung it at me. "Shit!" I yelled dodging it. I swiftly moved backward and kicked her in the stomach. She hit the door hard and got back up more angry than ever. But so was I. Sean was at Reachel and they were fighting everyone was cheering and clapping. "That's Jacksepticeye and Zenny from YouTube!" One kid yelled. They all cheered louder at this and the girl came at me with her knife. She swung at my side, it landed and pierced me. But I wasn't giving up yet. "Gah!" I yelled as it hit me. She smirked and I looked up at her smiling. "Mistake one. NEVER STOP!" I yelled slamming her head into the ground. She was immediately mocked out and I grabbed her pocket knife closing it back in. I shoved the knife in my pocket and saw Rachel burst threw the storage room door and tackle Mac. I felt the blood it my shoe and looked down. I'm glad I changed our of the adorable outfit from earlier. I noticed Mac trying to fight her off of her and Sean ripped Rachel off her. He threw a punch at her stomach and sent her flying backward out of the storage room. I helped up Mac and stepped outside the storage room where everyone was cheering. I felt light headed. I unhooked the door and walked outside with Mac and Sean. Mac ran up to her Mom and hugged her smiling and crying. One police officer ran up to us and looked at me funny. "Ma'am are you ok?" He asked me. "Not really no" I said collapsing into Sean's arms. He picked me up bridal type and a little bed came out to get me. Then I blacked out.

~Sean's Point Of View~

Damn she took care of Courtney. We walked out and she fell into my arms. I thought it w ass because she was tired until they took her out of my arms and my right arm was covered in blood. She got stabbed in the side. They wouldn't let me go in the vehicle. Mac ran up to me and we ran to the hospital after her. When we got there she was in a room passed out. We ran in and I felt like crying. I ran to her side and held her hand looking down. Shit was she going to live?! I asked she doctor that. "She is going to live yes. But she might not be able to sleep correctly for a few days" He responded. "No shit" I heard her say. I looked back. Up at her and she was stretching and moving weirdly. "Sunny!" I said hugging her. She hugged me back and kissed me lovingly. "Aww!" I heard Mac say. "It's so cute" She said sitting down. "Oh hi Mac!" Zendaya said smiling. "Hi!" She answered waving a little. I kissed her again as they were fixing up her stab wound on her side. Finally she was able to go free. Mac went home and so did we. When we got home I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her passionately. She put her hands on my shoulders and zi picked her up. She wrapped. Her legs around my waist and I held her there. She moved to kissing my neck but it was late so I new we couldn't do anything tonight. Finally I brought her to our bed and she cuddled up to me and tried to sleep. It didn't work out well. She kept tossing and turning. Finally I had enough. "Zendaya." I said half asleep. "Hm? What are you doing still awake" She asked. "I'm not" I said giggling a little. "Lay down on your stomach." I said. She did as I instructed and I started rubbing circled on her back with my thumb. She relaxed and soon fell asleep. I kissed her once on the cheek before falling asleep myself knowing my love could sleep.

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