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~Zendaya's Point Of View~

I talked with Mark while Sean's nd Ethan chatted. Suddenly Mark's face changed to sadness. "I want to sta something to you Sunny. But I don't know how you'll take it." He said looking down. "It better not be an 'I love you' because I've had enough of those." I joked. He smiled and didn't make ey contact. "I'm sorry for attacking you. I was jealous and mad and I wasn't thinking strait. All that came over me was the fact that..." He stopped himself. I hugged him and he took it by surprise. Finally he hugged me back. "It's fine, I get it Sean's a keeper." I said smiling. "What was that about me?" Sean asked smiling. I pulled away from Mark and patted Sean's head lightly. "Your cute, That's all that matters." I joked. Every one burst out laughing until Ethan nudged me into my old room. I followed and left Sean with Mark. When we got in the room he shut the door. I questioned it but let him. I sat down on the bed I once owned and sighed. "All these flashbacks. So surreal." I said laying back. He leaned against the door and smiled. I took in the familiar scent of Mark's scent and smiled. "So...." He said awkwardly. "So?" I asked sitting up and looking him in the eye. He sat down next to him and dug his face into his hands. "Have you watched the whole video?" He asked. "Nope. Just the part were you sung." I answered throwing gum at him that I had dug out of my purse. He shoved it in his mouth and sighed. "Good. Then you probably wouldn't be here with Jack." He said again. I gave him a confused look. He handed me his phone and walked into the closet and got in shut the door. I hit play and it was him talking to Dan. The clip ended with nothing out of the ordinary. "Check the comments." He said from the closet. I hit play because I want to hear his voice as I read.

Wow, this is really good Ethan! Who is it made for? Zenny?!

Something tells me this happens to be made for a certain ex of yours....

I stopped reading and looked at the closet door it was open and there sat a very crushed Ethan. I smiled a little at the sight of him. He had dug his face into his knees and couldn't see the door had opened. "Is that your hidey hole?" I asked him. "Yep." He said. "The door is open by the way." I said. I looked up and realized U had but his phone down. He closed the door and it made me giggle a little. Fuck. He sighed. "Did you read them?" He asked. "Yep." I said. Then Mark walked in. "Hey friend. Where's Ethan?" He asked smiling. I pointed to the closet and smiled. Right on cue he opens the door and flopped on the ground. "Foudn him." Ethan said. It made me and Mark laugh. He stood up and we followed Mark out to the living room to see Sean was on his phone. I sat down next to him and looked at what he was doing. He was scrolling through my subscriber count. Eighteen million. I smiled widely and checked my phone. Yep, eighteen million. I layed my face on a pillow and screamed earning stares. I showed Mark my phone and he looked at it confused. Then his face lit up. "Eighteen million? Your catching up to Jack now!" He said. "Watch it. I've got my ways of torturing people." Sean replied smirking. "THAT WHAT SHE SAID!" I screamed into the pillow. Everyone started laughing. I shut my phone off and got a call. I groaned and stepped into the hallway.


Z- Hello?
T- That's what she said? Are you basing these jokes off of us?
Z- Who the hell is this?
T- Remeber the time. 3:00 Am.

My heart dropped. I hung up and sprinted into the living room to the front door. I locked it and then got to the backdoor locking that too. I heard banging and everyone else stood up. "Who is that?" Mark asked. Then Tom started yelling. "Open this fucking door right now you brat!" He yelled. "Real original bastard! Try something new for once in your life!" I yelled back at him. "Is that?..." Ethan trailed off. "Shit the window!" Mark yelled. He sprinted into the hallway and we head a sound that indicated glass breaking. We heard a thump and Mark wheeze. "Shit! Mark!" I yelled trying to run in there. Sean held me back. "Mark!" Ethan yelled. Tom stepped into the room and I could feel myself spring up and punch him. It landed at his stomach and he weezed falling backward. Everything went silent. I stood over Tom as he gasped for breath. I glared down at him he grabbed my ankle and tripped me. Sean and Ethan tried to help but Tom stopped them. He pinned me down a nd I smirked. He grabbed my wrist and applied pressure making me squeak. I the my new into his zone and shoved him off me. Ethan ran past us and down to Mark. Tom stood up and walked to Sean. I hadn't noticed this. "Zendaya!" Sean said as he backed up. I immediately sprang in front of him and cracked my neck. "C9me on bitch. This is between me and you." I told Tom. Mark and Ethan stumbled into he room and looked at us. He went to grab me but I dodged an sweet to his left kicking him in the side. He hit the floor and stood up unfazed. I didn't care. He swung his arms in to try to grab me but I went into a back bend and kicked my feet up. They and contact with his chin and he fell backward. My feet landed on the ground and I stood up. Tom was still on the ground. He stood up and grabbed a lamp ripping it out of the wall. He growled at me and threw it. I caught and and rolled th cord up setting it down on the table. "This is between us, not a lamp." I said. He growled and everyone else snickered. He grabbed Sean's wrist and U could feel myself growl at him. "I highly suggest you let go of him before you get yourself hurt sweetheart." I hissed at him. He smirked and tripped his wrist tighter making Sean squeak a little. "What the hell did I just say?!" I said spring in front of him. I kicked him into a wall and he let go of Sean. He said down and groaned. "Stop acting. We both know your weak." Tom said. I squinted my eyes. "Doesn't look like it now does it? Stand up." I answered. "Do they know? Know the full story?" He smirked. I paused. He took this opportunity to grab me. He grabbed my wrist and shoved me to the ground. I made contact and growled. I pushed myself up and looked at him. "Your fucked up trucks won't work on me!" I yelled us him. "But they already are." He said. "I brought an old friend with me." He said. A women with orange hair stepped into the room from the hallway. I looked at her and recognised her instantly. "Why are you all out to get me today?!" I yelled at her. I backed up and unlocked the front door. I swung it open and saw Sean doing the same thing with the back door. Mark and Sean exited with Ethan right behind them. Tom turns sand grabbed Ethan then grabbed a knife from the table. He held it up to his neck. I growled and looked at Ethan's face. "You can switch side you know. Take his place. He goes free, you come with me." Tom snarled. My eyes widened. I looked down and hung my head. "Fine." I said letting my guard down. "Zendaya, don't do it!" Ethan said trying to fight Tom. Jesse grabbed me and Tom shoved Ethan out the door. Tom grabbed my hair and made pulled me out the front door. I finally decided to walk and went with him. "Zendaya!" Sean yelled. Mark held him back from trying to help me. I looked at Mark. "Keep him from helping me. Don't let him. Keep him safe for me." I said tearing up. He nodded and looked down. I saw him tear up as Sean tried to get out of his grasp. "Zendaya! Sunny! No please!" He said tearing up as Well. I didn't want to look at him. They dragged me into a car and I started crying. They tied me up and drove off. I made eye contact with Sean once more before we turned a corner. I cried again.

~Mark's Point Of View~

It pained me to see her being carried away. I let a tear drop. I've hurt Sunny once and now she's going to be hurt again. Sean started punching my chest trying to get away. "I can't let you run after her." I said sternly but softly. "What?! How could you Mark! She's like a sister to you! How could you let them take her! She's everything to me!" He yelled. "I'm sorry. I can't...." I said. "You can't what?!" He yelled. "I can't let you get hurt too." I said finally looking up at him. His eyes were bloodshot. He paused. Ethan turned the corner and looked at us. Sean broke out of my grasp and hung his head crying again. "How could Mark. You let them take her." He said. "No! No no no!" Ethan said.

~Sean's Point Of View~

I got an idea. "Dan and Lucile!" I blurted out. I pulled out my phone and got in my contacts hitting Wendy's number.

W- Hello?
S- Oh my God. This is Wendy Aferman right?
W- Yes it is. Who's asking?
S- My name is Sean, I'm Zendaya's boyfriend. I know about everything that happens with the family. What's more important is that Tom and some women took Zendaya.
S- They too her somewhere and I don't know where. I have a couple friends with me and I need help finding her.
W- I'm sending you my address. Get here now.
S- Got it.

She hung up and I called Felix.

F- Hey Jack, what's up bro?
S- Felix, Oh my God. Zendaya has been kidnapped and I need your help. I'm here with Ethan and Mark and I'm pairing up with Zendaya's sister Wendy to try and find her.
F- Zendaya's been kidnapped?! Where are you.
S- Go to this address.

I sent him Wendy's address and I hung up.

~Time Skip~

When we arrived at Wendy's house she was out on the porch pacing back and forth. She looked at the car and I got out. She ran down. "I'm Sean." I said shaking her hand. She gave me a wobbly smile. She noticed Ethan and Mark. "Hi guys. So it isn't some kind of prank good. Felix pulled up. "We have one more person." I told her. Felix got out and ran out to us. "Zendaya knows all of us." I told her. "Obviously." She said. "This is Felix." I said. They shook hands. "Wendy, Zendaya's sister." She said. "If I know where they are taking her, It's back to Sweden." She said. "Sweden?" Felix asked. "She's Swedish." I told him. He nodded. Then I remembered something. "Shit! Wendy, she's pregnant!" I told her. Her eyes grew. "Sorry um. She's pregnant." I told her more calm. Everyone's gaze turned to me. We've got enough money to get a passport for us all." Ethan said holding up some money. I nodded and We all got in.

~Time Skip~

When we arrived we saw Zendaya getting on a plane. She noticed us and her eyes grew. She ducked into the plane and took a window seat. She looked at me, Then Wendy, then Mark, then Ethan, then Felix. I nodded to her and she teared up. She mouthed the words 'I love you' and I mouthed it back. The plane took off and she put her hand on the window. "I just saw Zendaya." I said. Everyone turned turned to me. "She got on a plane followed by a red head and Tom." I said. "That read head is her biological Mom Jesse and she is completely psychopathic come on!" Wendy said pulling us all. We started walking fast and waited for our plane with our tickets. Soon it called. We took seats. Wendy was at the window, I was in middle, and Felix was next to me. Ethan and Mark sat behind us. As we took off Wendy got a but uneasy. She gripped the hand thingy. "You ok?" I asked. She nodded. "So if your really Zendaya's boyfriend, tell me about her." She said trying to change the subject. "She has long beautiful hair and green eyes. Her smile is amazing and she loves to wear crop tops." I said. She nodded and smiled.

~Felix's Point Of View (It's all going to be Swedish)~

Jag kan inte tro att Zendaya har kidnappats. "Hej Wendy, är du också svenska?" Jag sa högt. "Ja det är jag. Nu kan jag försöka sova?" Hon svarade. "Ja. förlåt för att jag stör dig." jag sade. Hon grunted som svar och somnade och lämnade mig till mina tankar.

~Sean's Point Of View~

Wonder what that was about? Probably their Swedish talking skills or something.

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