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I woke up and Sunny was gone. I heard a rustling sound behind me and I turned to see Sunny was messing with her computer. Probably looking for some new games for her channel. I got up silently and kissed her on the cheek. She jumped a little and I smiled. "Don't do that!" She said smiling. "We need to get you more hair dye" She said messing with the green patch of my hair. "And you" I responded kissing her on the cheek again. She pulled out a mirror and looked at her faded purple hair. "I want a new color!" She said looking satisfied. "And that is?" I asked changing my clothes. "You'll see!" She said closing her computer. "I actually had this idea with Ethan, but that didn't work out so I'm doing it with you!" She said smiling. Hm. She hot dressed into something different and I grabbed our plane the plane tickets for us. She grabbed her suitcase with everything she wanted to bring and we went out the door. I set my key for the house on the frame and we got in a uber. She cuddled up to me and fell sleep. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her on the cheek staying awake.

~Time Skip~

When we got there, I woke her up and we walked through the airport and sat down waiting for a plane to be called. Then we noticed someone at the same time. She sat up and smiled. "Hey pewds!" She said waving to Felix. Why was she being so friendly to him? She noticed my surprised look and explained it to me. When she ran from the hospital she went into the alleyways and Felix found her. He comforted her until I got there and took over. Ah. Still not very happy with what he did though. "Flight to Ireland is now boarding!" A woman's voice said on the intercom. We said bye to Felix and got on the plane taking our seats. "Please have all phones off for when we take off" A women said at the front of the plane. We both shoved our phones in our pockets and Sunny looked up at me. I smiled and she moved the arm rest up and cuddled up to me hugging my chest. I put my arm on her waist and pulled her closer to me. She smiled and fell asleep. Soon I did so well.

~Time Skip~

I woke up and Sunny had her hand rested on my crotch. Shit. I woke her up and she noticed were he hand was. She pulled it back and rested it on her lap sitting up. We landed and she grabbed the arm rest. "Not hood with flights?" I asked. "Nope" She said shaking her head. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Well you've got me" I said. She smiled and hugged me. Everyone stood up and we did too. We got off the plane and I breathed in the familiar sent of my home. We got our luggage and started on our way out. I got a cab and we drove to my home where I once shared with Signs. Speak of the devil. We got out and Signe was nocking on my door. She put her hands on her hips and sighed sounding very angry. The cab drove off and she turned around seeing me and Zendaya. She looked at Sunny and have her a glare. "This is Signe" I whispered in her ear. She nodded and Signe walked down to us. "What the hell Sean! You leave me for Mark's sorry ass then end up with a whore?!" She yelled at me. "First of all, you can't control my life, second of all, I left Mark because she cheated on me. And third of all, I'm pretty sure this 'whore' can kick your ass!" I responded crossing my arms. She glared at Zendaya and she put down her stuff obviously ready to fight. I stepped to the side and watched Signe take the first hit. Sunny ducked and grabbed her wrist pushing Signe backward with her foot hard. Signe fell back and looked surprised. "Now leave" Sunny said grabbing her stuff again. Signe stood up and started her way to me. Sunny dropped her stuff and slid in front of me crossing her arms. I smiled. My girl can kick anyone's ass. Signe went to throw a punch in her stomach but Sunny grabbed her bawled up first and turned it causing her to hit the ground. I grabbed my stuff again and Sunny grabbed hers and we walked inside. I shut the door and locked it, then set my stuff on the couch as did Zendaya. Then we heard banging on the door. Zendaya sighed and walked over to the door and swung it open. There stood Signe still. "How much do I have to kick your ass before you leave Sean alone!" She yelled. "Bitch!" Signe yelled. She stomped down the steps and down the road to her house. Sunny shut the door and turned around to me. I swiftly moved over to her and locked the door pushing her up against the door. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. I she pressed her soft lips against mine and I wrapped my arms around her torso returning the kiss. She jumped wrapping her legs around my waist and kissed me lovingly. "Thank you for beating the shit out of my ex" I said resting my forehead against hers. "Your welcome" She smiled. She jumped down and kissed me on the cheek before pulling away. She walked into the living room and set all of our stuff down on the floor and sat down patting the seat next to her. "I want cuddles" She said. "Why don't we change first" I suggested grabbing some comfy sweatpants out of my suitcase. She sighed. "Fiine" She said grabbing some purple Pjs. She walked into the bathroom whole I walked into our room and slid on the sweatpants. I walked back out and she wasn't done yet. I took my shirt off and threw it in my laundry basket in my room then sat back down  on the couch. I heard the bathroom door open and she walked out in some purple Koala Pjs with a Speticeye shirt. I patted the seat next to me and she sat down. "Nice shirt" I teased poking her shoulder. "Thanks, got it from someone I love more than anything else in the world" She said poking me back. I smiled and she cuddled up to my chest resting her hand on my chest. We were watching The Lion King, when I felt her faint breaths on my chest. I looked down to see her eyes were closed and her hand was rested on my crouch again. Damn. I got up and picked up Sunny bridal style and carried her to our new room. I set her down and pulled the covers over her. I layed down next to her and she flipped over looking up at me. "Did I wake you love?" I asked giving her a half smile. She smiled back and wrapped her arms around my chest smiling. I hugged her back and lifted her chin up with my hand lightly. She smiled and pressed her lips against mine kissing me lovingly. I searched for and entrance to her mouth and she let me in. I searched her mouth and kissed her nose. She giggled and rested her head against my chest again falling asleep. I kissed her head again and fell asleep from jet lag

Your My Dork | Sean × Reader (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant