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Sean picked me up again and I giggled. I arched my legs and held onto his shoulders. She smiled and brought us out to the water. My feet touched it and I shivered. He got in and held out his hand. "Do you trust me?" He asked. "I dunno. Should I?" I teased. He smiled. "Yes, I trust you." I said taking his hand. He intertwined our fingers and slowly walked back ward bringing me with him. My body tensed up at the cold touch of the water. Water. I'm supposed to be Lapis Lazuli though. Finally our hips touched the water edge and he grabbed my waist. I smiled an replaced my hands on his chest. "Do you trust me?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow and smirked back. I sighed. "Fuck it. I trust you." I said. "Wrong choice." He stated. My eyes grew and he full backward into the water. "SEAN!" I said before we hit the water. I fell underneath and saw Sean we smiling. He still had a hold of my waist. I glared at him and kissed him before heading to the surface. He giggled as he came up too. "EVERYBODY HERE I WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH OF A DICK SEAN IS! HE'S THE BIGGEST DICK HERE, JUST THOUGHT I WOULD POINT THAT OUT!" I screamed. Everyone turned their heads to us and started giggling. Sean was laughing at this point. I went underwater and crouched. I kicked my feet off and tackled Sean into the water. He grabbed my waist underwater and kissed me. I kissed back. He slipped his hands up to my torso. Fuck is he? No he knows better. Right? I pressed my feet on the ocean floor and pushed us out farther. He didn't stop me. Finally when we stood up the water was up to our shoulders. He kissed me again and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He ran his hands down my side's and placed his hands on my bikini bottoms. I smirked and put my hands on his kissing him a little more passionately. He set his hands on my side's and stuck his thumb out setting it on my stomach. I giggled because it tickled a little. I ran my right hand through his green hair and he tensed up a little. Must be a turn on tactic for him. Good to know. I said my hand down the back of his head to his neck pulling him closer to me. He slid his hands up my side's getting close to my bikini top. I saw someone swimming to us so I kissed him on the cheek before pulling away and splashing him. He giggled knowing what I was doing. He splashed me back. "Come at me bro!" I said jokingly. He laughed. "Please don't turn into Felix!" He joked. "Ouch!" I heard Felix say. I snickered to myself. "Oh hey dude!" Sean said awkwardly. He gave him a half smile. "We all want cake!" He said. I grabbed both the guy's hands and dragged them through the water because I was the fastest one here. I'm SUPER fucking fast. We got close and I let go of Felix's hand keeping Sean's. We stepped out of the water and Sean interlocked our fingers. We walked up to a table and Sean handed me a knife. "Fuck that, you've seen me with a knife. You wanna take this." I said jokingly. Felix Ethan, Mark, and Sean giggled. Sean took the knife and cut the cake while people cheered. He smiled and handed out cake with me helping. Once everyone had cake Sean and I got some. Then I got a bright idea. I got everyone's attention. "So I want start out by saying, I'm sorry Sean for what's about to happen to you." I said. He gave me a confused look. I shoved my cake in his face and everyone gasped and laughed. He slipped his tongue around hi mouth. "YOU know what this means right?" He asked. I nodded. "CAKE FIGHT!" We both yelled at the same. Everyone was everywhere with cake. Wendy dodged gracefully and I did too. I ran up to her and we put our back's together. Sean stood in front of me, and Dan stood in front of Wendy. "Dan, Wendy." I greeted them. "WENDY WE SEEM TO BE DEAD!" I said. "No shit." Dan said. Both the boys started walking closer. "YOU know I love you right?" I asked her. She nodded. "Ok good!" I said. I grabbed her shoulders and held her out just as both the boys striked. She gasped and both the boys' s jaws dropped smiling at the same time. "ZENDAYA YOUR FUCKING DEAD!" She screamed. I laughed and took off in the other direction. I met up with a still safe Marzia. She wasn't caked yet. "Zendaya!" She said with a huge smile plastered on my face. Felix cane up begin her. "FELIX NO!" I yelled. I jumped behind her and he striked. It hit me in the face and he burst out laughing. "SHIT I'VE BEEN STRUCK!" I said dropping onto the sand. Sean came running over and slid on his feet dropping next to me. He pushed on my chest lightly three times jokingly then put his mouth on mine kissing me. I kissed back and he pulled away. I layed in silence for a couple seconds with my eyes closed. I sprang up. "I'M NOT DEAD!" I called out. Everyone laughed. The rest of the party was great. We did some volleyball. Mark, Wade, Bob, and Ken against Sean, Me, Wendy, and Ethan. Talls verses shorties. By the end, there was Wendy, Me, Felix, Marzia, Sean, Ken, and Mary. Sean and I were out in the water again. I grabbed his hand and pulled him farther in. He wrapped his arm around my waist and dove in. I held in a laugh so I didn't choke on water and opened my eyes. I pressed my lips against Sean's and he returned the kiss. His hands wandered along my body. Different parts. Finally we went back up to the surface and saw that Wendy had been watching from the sand. I gave her a playful glare and she waved smiling. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Sean's hand under the water. He intertwined our fingers. "My little Lapis Lazuli." He said. I stuck my tongue out at him. "I would say something flirty back about you being Steven Universe, but the authors ex's name is Steven so that's just going to be awkward." I responded. He smiled and glanced at Wendy who was now looking at Ken and Mary. He grabbed my waist and pulled me so our bodies were touching. He kissed me and hunched over a little bit. I kissed back and bit his tongue lightly. He smirked. He picked me up bridal style and layed me out so I was floating on the water. He held me close and his head was at my stomach. He put his hand on my back and put his arm under my legs. He spun me around in the water slowly. Finally Is topped floating and got in front of him. "What did I do?" I asked. He tilted his head in confusion. "What did I do to deserve you. I don't get it." I said. He smiled and kissed me. "Likewise." He said. I giggled and the sun starting setting. We said bye to Ken and Mary and I slipped a towel over myself before hopping in Felix's rental car. Felix decided to drive and Marzia was next to him in shotgun. Wendy sat next to me on my right and Sean was to my left. I leaned on his shoulder and he smiled wrapping his arm around me. I played with the beautiful ring on my finger a little. I realized my finger was getting red so I stopped. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

~Time Skippy~

~Sean's Point Of View~

We got back at the hotel and Zendaya had fallen asleep. I smiled and picked her up bridal style. I wrapped the towel around her more just in case. A guy around the age of 25 look at her with A smug look on his face. He walked up to me and Felix plus Marzia and Wendy. "Hey, is she drunk?" Do you guys know her? I can take her off your hands if you want." He asked. I woke her up and she stood up rubbing her eyes. "Actually douchebag, she's married and has a child on the way. She's not drunk. And she's perfectly capable of kicking your ass." I hissed holding up my hand in a ball showing my wedding ring. "What's going on?" She asked. "Do you know these guy's? Are you ok ma'am?" He asked looking concerned. She glared at him. "Yes actually. What the fuck is going on?" She asked me. He eyed her lips. I glared hard at him. He went to punch me but Zendaya caught his fist. "I don't feel like fighting right now random stranger. I've taken down a 200 pound man and a 100 pound women with a pocket knife in her hand. Guess what I used on the women? My bare hands. So stop whatever your intention is here and walk away." She said sternly. He glared at her and she let go of his bawled up hand. He took it away and walked away. "So what happend?" She asked holding her nose with her pointer finger and thumb. "This dick came up and asked if you were drunk and wanted to know if he could possibly take you off our hands." Felix explained. I smiled to myself. "What has our world come to?!" I said. They all giggled. Wendy bought her own room and we returned to our rooms. Sean pulled me into our room and I dropped the towel. He smirked. "Play time..." He said.

~Laziness..... Time Skip~

I curled up to Sean and he wrapped me in his arms like a cucoon. He pulled the covers over us and I smiled. "Your My Dork." I told him. "And your my Little Lapis." He said ruffling my hair a little. I smiled soon fell asleep.

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