It's getting hot in here

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We returned to school, and because of the incomplete I had taken in all my classes; It put me back a semester, which meant I wouldn't graduate with everyone else. It was that or take summer classes. I took summer classes. There was no way that I wasn't graduating with my siblings.

As for Maverick, he is still a twit, but he was my twit. The minute we got back to school, we wasted no time making up. Considering we couldn't while I was home. I'm not Lakin for crying out loud.

After our many, many rounds, I laid on his chest, circling my fingertip on it.

"I missed this," he said, stroking my arm with his fingertip.

I looked at him, "What sex?"

"No, you," he said as he smiled.

I couldn't help but smile.

"It's crazy that you had to break up with me so that I would get better," I said.

"Because you are so damn stubborn," he said.

"And you're so dramatic," I rolled my eyes, and that caused him to tickle me, until the both of us fell out of the bed, all wrapped up in blankets. We hit the floor with a thud, damn Maverick.

Then we heard a crash. We both looked at each other and scrambled to get out of the blanket with little success. We kept tripping over each other until we finally got free and quickly dressed.

We walked down the stairs, and I hid behind him as he grabbed a bat. We crept down the stairs, and he shushed me to be quiet. You don't have to tell me twice. That's all I need to do, announces to some crazy psycho killer that I was here. I'm pretty sure he will not ask me if I want some damn sandwich.

Although a sandwich sounds excellent now, focus Larkin, you need to take care of a killer, not fill your stomach.

As we got closer, we saw a shadow, and Maverick swung. They ducked as he hit a lamp, breaking it.

"Jesus! Mav!" Someone yelled.

I ran over and turned on a light, stepping on a piece of glass. I screamed as I flicked the switch.

"Major?" Maverick exclaimed.

"Yeah, what the hell is with the bat?" Major asked.

"We thought there was an intruder, considering everyone left," he huffed.

"You don't mind me as I am freaking bleed to death," I hobbled over to the couch, leaving a blood trail along the way.

Maverick walked over and took a seat, lifting my foot. "Be right back." He promptly dropped my foot, causing me to groan in pain. My boyfriend is a tool. Who the hell does that to someone that's injured? Oh, that's right, he does.

He returned shortly with a first aid kit. He took a seat and lifted my foot so that he could remove the broken glass from it.

"Explain to me why you broke the glass, leaving it on the floor when you have a key," Maverick said as he worked on my foot. Is it wrong that he's turning me on by doing this? Focus Larkin.

"I forgot my key," Major said.

"So, you thought, breaking in would be a better alternative? What picked up the phone and calling me," Maverick asked as he cleaned my foot. That's still hot, okay, Larkin, settle down.

"I tried, but you don't answer when you're unholy," Major shrugged.

"Only because I haven't been able to be unholy for the past few weeks," Maverick sighed as he finished up my foot, still hot, down girl.

"I thought you were with Luna," Maverick asked Major.

"Well, I was, then I wasn't," Major answered.

"Explain," Maverick ordered.

"Her aunt is in town," Major said.

"And you left her?" I said incredulously.

"Well, yeah, no guy wants to deal with that emotional wreck," Major said emphatically.

"You do realize if you don't get your ass over there, you may not have a girlfriend," Maverick said to him, that's so hot. What the hell was wrong with me?

"I suggest you turn around and go back. Make sure you take lots of chocolate because I'm pretty sure you will end up with blue balls after this episode," Maverick added. Well, damn, I was ready to jump him.

"Fine," Major huffed as he left.

"I swear sometimes my brother is clueless," Maverick groaned.

"Is it bad that I want to jump you?" I asked him. His face snapped towards me as he quickly got up and picked me up. "Maverick!"

"Who was I to deny someone their needs," Maverick said, carrying me upstairs, figures. Note to self, never be around Maverick when he's making sense. More important note, never tell him I want to jump him.

I woke up the next day, aching - that damn Maverick. Okay, fine, I enjoyed myself a little too much. Sex was so much better when someone gives a shit about you. Not throw you into a room and beat the hell out of you. That thought made me a frown.

"What's with the look?" Maverick asked.

"I'm thinking about how different sex can be," I shrugged.

"Lark, he will never hurt you again," Maverick assured me.

"I know. It makes me angry, you know?" I looked at him as he caressed my face.

"I know, and I wish that would have never happened to you, but we can't change the past. All we can do is move forward with people who love and care about us," he explained.

I had to admit he was right, although I will never tell him that. I know what Maverick would do if I did. He would get all excited and make a big deal out of it. Have you ever seen him make a huge deal out of something? I have, and it's not pretty.

"Lark, you got me now, and I made a promise which I intend to keep," he said as he started playing with my fingers.

"So, you promise to keep being a twit? Good to know," I smirked.

He rolled his eyes. "I'll give you twit." He started tickling me as I squealed. Before I knew it, we became extremely unholy. I don't think it matters what we did; The unholiness would abound between us.

Sometimes you have to go with it. I hate to say it, but Maverick proved me wrong in so many ways. For that, I was pretty glad because sometimes we need someone to prove us wrong to know what's right.

Roger showed me the wrong way a guy can be with a woman. Maverick showed me the right direction. Who would have thought that a thirteen-year-old guy who shoved me in the mud would be someone I would fall in love with when I was older? I sure didn't.

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