Heading into the homestretch

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With spring break, behind us, and things returning to a somewhat normal, we had finals to contend with before going home. That meant our parents would arrive to bring us back.

It had been one heck of a year with everything that I had been through with Daniel and school. But I came out of it better than before. With a little guidance from Michael and help from my family, I could move on.

Finals came, and so did our parents to collect us. I wasn't sad it was over; it relieved me. I was ready to go forward instead of living in the past.

Our parents arrived along with our aunts and uncles to collect all of us. I was finishing up when I heard a knock at my door. I turned to see Dad standing there.

"About ready?" Dad asked.

"Yes," I said, shoving the last item into a box.

I went to pick it up, and he walked over to help me.

"Thanks, Dad," I said.

He looked at me. "I'm proud of you, Lyric."

"You are?" It surprised me.

"You've come a long way from last year," Dad reasoned.

"I guess we just need the right people to be there for us," I smiled as he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. With that, we walked out of the house to our cars. He loaded up my box, and we all go into vehicles.

We pulled out and onto the road. I sat next to Michael as he drove, and he held my hand. It had been one hell of a year, but I had a feeling thing would be fine.

It took three hours to get home. Once we arrived, Michael dropped me off, and we brought our stuff into the house.

Ma and Dad guided us, and once we got settled, we all gathered into the living room. I sat on the couch, as did Larkin, Lakin, and Luna. Lex tried to join us, but we shoved him off while laughing.

Then he jumped on us.

Dad looked at Ma. "I am so glad to have them home."

"Me too," she smiled.

"It's good to see them back to their old selves," he said to her.

"It took a long time to get here, but they're happy Nash. Isn't that what we wanted for them?" She asked him.

He sighed. "Yeah, but Mags, I can't help but worry about them."

"It's our job as parents to worry. Now help me make dinner or no dessert for you later," she smirked.

"Well, in that case," he grinned as she rolled her eyes as they went into the kitchen.

"I can't believe we survived the first year," Lakin said.

"I can't believe you didn't put someone in the hospital," Larkin said to her.

"Meh, it was a slow year. Give it time," Lakin smirked. I had to laugh.

"Well, I decided that maybe it's time. Major and I took a break," Luna sighed.

We all looked at her.

"Dare I ask why?" Larkin asked.

"I don't think that he's into me. I mean, I like him and all, but I'm tired of being rejected constantly," Luna sighed.

"Maybe Major has other reasons for what he's doing," I told her.

"Whatever it is, I'm over it," Luna said.

"What about you, Lark?" I asked her.

"What about me?" Larkin asked.

"Now that you and Maverick seem like you're getting closer when are you finally going to cave?" I asked Larkin.

"One, I am not, nor will I ever cave to that twit. Two, I'm not sure," Larkin said.

"Not sure about what?" Lakin asked.

"This, him and myself," she groaned.

"Wait, you declare your love for him and make out with him, and you're not sure. Are you some twit?" Lakin asked her.

"No, I just think that maybe this is a bad idea," she huffed.

I looked at her. Larkin made no sense. Here she had a guy crazy about her, and she still wasn't sure about things between them?

I had a feeling this was just the beginning for them.


At dinner, I didn't say much. I had too much on my mind. What I didn't tell everyone was the reason I was indeed against Maverick and me. I was freaking scared to death.

Any time I felt myself even remotely feeling something, Roger's face appeared. There had been a few times when things got intense with Maverick and me, where I lashed out at him.

Sex scared me to death. Roger made sure about that.

After dinner, I went up to my room and sat by the window. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just wanted peace and wanted the images to go away.

I closed my eyes, and they all came flooding back.


"Lark! Hurry!" Lyric yelled.

"Hold your ass, will ya?" I yelled back.

The school had cleared out as I finished up, then made my way to the parking lot. As I walked down the hallway, I heard a noise. I stopped, and the minute I turned, I felt a fist hit my face, knocking me off my feet.

I tried to get to my feet, but someone grabbed me by the hair. I struggled as they pulled me into a room.

"You dirty slut," I heard them say as they tore at my skirt and panties. I tried to fight as they hit me over and over until I couldn't fight anymore. Then it happened, pain, unbelievable pain. I felt like it ripped me into two. I screamed, and they shoved their hand over my mouth.

I looked at them and realized it was Roger, oh god. He held me down as he continued until it finished him. He got off of me, and before I moved, he hauled off and gave me two swift kicks into the stomach then one to the head.

He walked away, and I tried to stand, but only to fall. I finally crawled and stumbled home.

I didn't realize I was screaming until I heard someone yell, "Larkin!"

"Oh, god! Make it stop!" I grabbed ahold of them as I was hysterical.

"I got you," they said as they engulfed me with their body. I clenched the person's shirt and sobbed. "I got you, baby," they said in a soothing tone until I realized who it was. I looked up and saw his blue eyes, Maverick.

I buried my head into his chest as he held me. Then Dad walked over and rubbed my back as I heard a familiar voice, "Lark."

I peeked out to see Nixon. It was at that moment; I felt safe.

It would be a long summer. Thank you, Roger, you douche. I freaking hate you. I hope you rot in jail.

As I sat there while the three most important men in my life stood by me, I knew I would be okay. I hope.

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