Spring Break here we come

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Now that the cat was out of the bag with Maverick and Larkin, things got back to normal, somewhat. They still had their issues, but they were their issues.

Major was still dealing with Luna, and it was getting to the point things weren't exactly right between them at the moment. They said love does not run smoothly. In their case, it was rocky.

Mia and Lakin were still going at it like cats and dogs and not in the arguing sense. I swear those two get unholier every day.

Lex and Piper were probably the only ones out of us who knew what they wanted. Lex always did. He just let his shyness take over.

As for Michael and me, things were fantastic. We came to an understanding of many things like the fact I hated he grew a beard.

"Just shave it," I demanded to hold out a razor.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"Because I don't like it," I huffed.

"That's not a reason, Lyric; you need a valid argument with getting what you want. That is not a valid argument," Michael reasoned.

"It's almost summer. What do you need a beard for, anyway?" I asked him.

"Because it makes me look manly," he smirked.

"And your big ass arms don't?" I asked, pointing to his muscular arms.

His smile left.

"Hey, you said to improve my argument, so I did. Now shave the damn animal off your face!" I snapped.

"No," Michael told me.

I glared at him as he turned and walked away. I followed him.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Home," Michael answered.

"Why? We have a date?" I questioned him.

"Not anymore," Michael replied.

"What?" I asked.

"When you stop acting like a toddler, then we will have a date," he proclaimed as he walked out the door, leaving me dumbfounded.

Lakin and Mia walked in. "Why's Michael leaving, and why does he look hella pissed?" Mia asked.

"We got into an argument over his beard, and he told me until I grow up, there will be no date. I think he just broke up with me," I said with confusion.

"What was the argument about?" Mia asked.

"I demanded he shaved his beard. Why?" I answered.

"Because Michael doesn't like demands. He never has. The minute that happens is the minute Michael stops. He hates it because he feels people are acting like children trying to get their way," she shrugged.

I looked at them.

"Fine, I will talk to him since we are all leaving for spring break in a few days," I said to Lakin and Mia.

It was ridiculous.

Over the next few days, I tried to talk to Michael, but he shut me out. It got to the point I gave up and had enough.

I knocked on his door. He answered.

"Since you won't talk to me like a civilized adult, then maybe it's time to call it a day," I said.

"What are you talking about?" He gave me a look.

"You may have things you don't like, but so do I, and I don't enjoy shut out. So, take your stupid ring and shove it where the sun doesn't shine," I said, taking off my ring and throwing it at him. Then I turned and walked away.

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