Freaky Friday: A Halloween Chapter

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Ever wake up to the sound of someone pounding on something? No, I mean, really pounding on a door? Because we did and yelling, don't forget the yelling.

We went downstairs, and Lyric opened the door, then slammed it shut. I rubbed my eyes as Lakin went into the kitchen. Lex sat down on the couch while Frick and Frack joined him.

"I know this might be a dumb question, but who's at the door?" I asked Lyric.

"No one," Lyric shrugged.

I gave her a strange look.

"No one, except Dad, Ma, and our uncles," she shrugged. That jolted us awake as we heard a crash in the kitchen.

"Don't mind me," Lakin yelled from the kitchen.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

"Lyric Lucille Gray! Open this damn door!" Dad shouted.

"That would be a no!" Lyric yelled back.

"Excuse me? I don't think I heard you correctly!" Dad yelled.

Lyric motioned for us to leave.

"No, Espanol!" Lyric yelled.

"That's no Spanish, you twit!" Nixon yelled.

"My bad! I shouldn't have taken French in school!" Lyric yelled back.

Lyric needs to quit talking, like right now. We all tried to make the great escape only to have Dad and Nixon catch us, well, shit.

"March," Dad ordered us to the living room. We were all forced to sit down. Yeah, Dad was a tad angry.

Then the door opened and in walked Michael, Maverick, and Mia with Nathan and Noah. They walked in and took a seat across from us.

Okay, we were missing Nolan, which means he's with Major and Luna.

Dad and Ma stood in front of us, and they did not look happy.

"Explain to me how my little Luna bell married a man that I want to rip his arms off and beat him with said arms," Dad said with such a calmness that I think it scared the dead.

"Well," I started to say.

"Larkin Patricia Gray, shut it!" Dad barked.

Well, okay, then.

"It was their idea," Lex said, throwing us under the bus.

"Lex Nathaniel Gray? Do you think we believe you had nothing to do with this?" Ma asked him. We looked at him, and he grumbled, "No."

They stood there, and I'm pretty sure they were drilling a hole in our heads right now with their glares.

"Oh, for Christ sakes, Major and Luna didn't marry," Lakin exclaimed.

"What?" They all exclaimed.

"We made them believe they were so that Major would get laid, and Luna wouldn't feel like a loser," Lakin added. Oh, Lakin, noooo.

"Let me get this straight, Lakin Margaret Gray, you and the rest of those tools, convinced those other twits that someone marries them so that they can have sex?" Dad asked her.

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds terrible," Lakin said.

"Uh, Lake?" Nixon said.

"Yeah?" Lakin asked.

"I would shut up right now if I were you," Nixon advised.

We all placed our face in our palm. That was so not good.

Then the door opened and in walked Nolan, Major, and Luna, not looking too happy, oh shit.

Luna hobbled over to us. "So, you made us pretend we got married so that we could get it on?"

"Well, we thought it was a good idea at the time," I shrugged.

"You all are unbelievable! I can't believe you! How dare you think this was even remotely okay?" Luna gave us a tongue lashing; then, the words went flying. Whoa, our sister has some colorful language.

When she finished, Major laid into us, Fantastic. That's what I needed before I had my coffee.

After Major got done voicing his opinion and man was it loud, we all apologized profusely until everyone's facial expression changed.

We stopped, and all looked at each other as they all started laughing. We all sat there, confused.

"Wow, you all are a bunch of tools, you know that?" Nixon chuckled.

"Say what?" Lakin asked him.

"Luna called us after her, uh, a special night with Major. She said that she and Major got married, but when we checked with Nixon, he said there wasn't a way someone married them legally without proper paperwork," Ma said.

"So, basically, we know they aren't married," Dad said. "It doesn't mean that I'm still not going to beat Major's ass for deflowering my baby."

We looked at Major, who kissed Luna. "I'm just going to go." With that, he bolted with Dad hot on his heels. Good luck, Major.

"Damn, look at big brother go," Nathan said.

"Run Major, run," Noah yelled as they both laughed.

Luna hobbled over and took a seat with us. "Look, I know you all want to help, but sometimes you can't fix things. The people in the relationship have to fix it themselves."

"We know Lu, but we hate to see you unhappy," Lake said to her.

"I know, and I couldn't ask for better siblings, but sometimes, I need to figure things out on my own," Luna said to us.

Then we saw Dad, and Major walk into the house, and Major was holding his nose. "Major and I came to an understanding. He won't be a tool, and you will be less insecure, so he doesn't become a major tool. Isn't that right, Major?" Dad smiled as Major nodded.

"Come on, Major, I will get you something for your nose," Ma said as she led him into the kitchen.

I swear if I didn't know better; It was freaky Friday here because things were so nutty at the moment.

Since it was Halloween, we all hung out and watched scary movies. Our parents and uncles stayed and watched them with us.

I got up and went into the kitchen to get something to drink when there was a knock at the door. Now, who is it? I opened the door, and one of Clay's goons is standing there.

"What do you want?" I looked at him.

"I came to deliver a message," Glen said.

"What kind of message?" I asked suspiciously.

"Watch your back," Glen warned me.

I looked at him. Why would I want to listen to a guy when he is causing us issues?

"That's it?" I asked with a look.

"Larkin, I'm just warning you. Derek Crandall has plans. I can't believe Clay was even helping him," he said.

"Considering what you and those other tools did to Maverick, why should I believe you?" I asked Glen.

"Because I'm telling you that stuff is going down. You don't have to trust me, but I'm telling you now; It's just a matter of time before Derek strikes. Look, I got to go," Glen said before leaving, that's odd but whatever.

Maverick walked into the kitchen. "Who was that?"

"Glen," I answered.

"What did he want?" Maverick asked.

"Just that we need to watch our backs," I said as we looked at each other. As much as I didn't trust Glen, one thing was for sure. I didn't trust Derek even more. That guy was a loose cannon.

We went back into the living, and I took a seat. What Glen said bugged me. It was making it hard to focus on the movie. Ever have a bad feeling about something? Yeah, that was me. I just had a feeling that things would get bad soon enough.

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