Happy, happy birthday and Valentine's Day chapter

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Ever have that moment where you question the universe and all its nuttiness? Yeah, I have been asking that every single day since I met Maverick.

Things between us have been hot and cold, but lately, they have been warmer than freezing.

Knock! Knock!

"Lark! Are you up?" Lakin asked as Maverick, and I stopped making out and looked at the door.

"Uh, yeah!" I yelled.

"Well, Ma and Dad called. They are coming in for our birthday along with our uncles," she said through the door.

"That's super," I said. After realizing what I had said, mine and Maverick's eyes widened.

"Super," he mouthed.

I shrugged.

"What?" Lakin said through the door.

"Uh, nothing," I replied.

"Larkin! What's going on?" Lakin yelled through the door.

The door handle started to turn, and I shoved Maverick off the bed, not realizing his shirt was still on the bed.

She opened the door and walked in as I saw it, shit.

I quickly grabbed it and whipped it at Maverick, who's lying on the floor on the other side of the bed.

"What's that noise?" Lakin asked.

"What noise? I heard no noise that you talk about," I lied.

"It sounded like someone moans," she said.

I clamped my mouth shut and thought I would hurt Maverick. I told him to be quiet.

She gave me a look as I gave her one back, then she shrugged and left, closing the door behind her.

I leaned over the side of the bed and gave Maverick a look.

"What? Is it my fault you have scrumptious lips? No, plus, we're to take this slow, remember?" Maverick reminded me.

"What they don't know won't hurt you," I shrugged.

"That makes me feel so much better," he sighed.

"Good, now get back up here and finish what you started," I smirked. Maverick popped up and crawled onto the bed as he crashed his lips against mine.

Now the question was, did we go further? That would be a big fat no. I wasn't ready or even prepared to go public with us.

For now, this will suffice.

As our birthday neared, our parents, along with our aunts and uncles, came in to celebrate our birthday. That would be harder to hide.

All Maverick and I had to do was play it cool. Easier said than done. I mean, what was I thinking? Oh, that's right, I wasn't. I was doing so well, not letting anyone get near me or our lips touching yet here I was finding myself in these inappropriate situations with Maverick.

I was in trouble with a capital T. The problem was that even if I tried to resist him, I couldn't. The bigger problem wasn't all the making out we were doing; It was the fact that I was falling for him, FML.

Our birthdays arrived, and so did everyone, including my favorite uncle, Nixon.

They all came in to see us, and after hugging my parents, I gave him one.

"Hey, kiddo," he said, squeezing me.

"Hey, Uncle Nix," I hugged him back.

He let go of me and gave me a look. "You look different."

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