Step by step

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Each day, Maverick started handling things better. He continued with his sessions, and any time he had a setback, I helped get him back on track.

We took it to step by step, day by day. We also spent time together. If I wasn't at his house, he was at mine.

While we dealt with our things, we also got pulled in the middle of Major and Luna. I wish those two would get it together.

While we dealt with that, we weren't aware of someone who was watching us from afar. The person kept their distance and kept their head down.

I had a feeling thing would get interesting for all of us.

"Well," Clay asked as they walked into a house.

"They don't know what's coming," they said to him.

"Good, I want them to pay for everything," Clay told the two guys.

"What's our next move?" One guy asked.

"We keep our heads down and stay out of sight. When the time is right, it's payback," Clay smirked.

While Clay is planning his moves carefully, Dad and our uncles were hunting for him and his goons.

"What is this tool, some ninja?" Nixon asked.

"Something, but he will wish he never messed with us," Dad answered.

"Every time I think we have a lead, they wipe all traces of him," Nathan states.

"Yeah, but even if he wiped every trace, people leave carbon footprints," Noah added.

"Let a pro at this," Nolan said, pushing Nathan out of the way.

"You know, I can still beat your ass, baby brother," Nathan huffed.

"Bite me, you tool. I'm not that skinny kid you can beat up anymore," Nolan retorted.

"No, but you're a pain in the ass still," Nixon countered.

"Want to go, old man?" Nolan yelled.

"Sure bring it on, you twit," Nixon egged him on.

Dad smacked them both in the head, "Knock it off, you tool! Or you can deal with my wife!"

"Pft, she doesn't scare me," Nixon laughed.

"Oh yeah? Did you forget our wives are best friends?" He looked at Nixon.

"Way to ruin my good time, brother," Nixon huffed.

Nolan typed in some commands and up popped a black screen with a lot of lettering. He kept typing as they watched.

"What the hell?" Nathan asked.

Then a screen popped up.

"Whoa," they all said.

"Please tell me you did not just hack some security system," Nash said.

"Nope," Nolan said.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

"I hacked a satellite," he grinned.

They all did a double-take.

"Great, we will go to jail," Noah exclaimed.

"Screw jail, we're going to federal prison," Nixon said incredulously.

"Relax dumb and dumber; I didn't hack a government satellite. This one transmits from campus," Nolan said, rolling his eyes.

Nixon and Noah both smacked him upside the head. Nolan glared at him.

The Gray Sisters: Back At It Again ✔️ (Wattpad version)Where stories live. Discover now