Are you freaking kidding me?

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With our little shenanigans behind us, okay, I wouldn't say short, considering we lied to Major and Luna, kidnapped, and drug them, so they could finally get their freak on with each other. Yeah, we were little stinkers. Seriously, though, have you ever been in a house where all someone does is whine about another?

That was Luna and us. The only problem is, sex doesn't fix things. It helps, but it doesn't fix things. Even after everything, Major acted like a primary tool. I thought Lakin would beat him to a pulp when she got her hands on him.

Why might you ask? I'll tell you. It will save a lot of time. It seems Major, the tool that he is, decided that he wanted to explore his options, I.e., other girls. That didn't sit well with Luna, and we all got to deal with it. Because of it, it also put us all at odds with the Harpers. Thanks, Major, you twit.

Let's rephrase that; it put Maverick and me at odds because well; The others stayed out of it, and Maverick was Major's brother. Have you ever heard of my brother's keeper? Well, that wasn't Maverick. Then again, the same said with Lex and us.

I'm getting off track, damn Lex.

"Tell me exactly how this is my fault?" Maverick exclaimed.

"Because your tool of a brother popped Luna's cherry, then drop her. Marriage my ass," I retorted.

"That's Major! It's not me!" Maverick yelled defensively.

"Yeah, I don't care. Do you have any idea what it's like to listen to Luna cry herself to sleep?" I asked him.

"Larkin, that's not fair, I don't control what my twit of a brother does. He's an adult," Maverick shot back.

"How about, oh, hey, Major, you twit, we didn't set you up, so you can nail anything that walks?" I said to him.

"Are you freaking kidding me? Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound right now?" Maverick snapped.

"Not any more than you do," I said, crossing my arms.

"You know what, when you can grow up and learn, not everything is your problem, then we'll talk," he countered.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked, confused.

"What do you think?" Maverick asked as I stood there, shocked. I knew this would happen. I knew the minute I opened up, and things were too good; It would all crash down around me.

I said nothing but turned and walked away, leaving Maverick's room and house. It finishes with this.

I went home, and as soon as I came inside, they all looked at me, "Lark?" Lyric asked.

"Maverick broke up with me," I mumbled.

They all looked at me; then, I saw Luna. My anger boiled. "And it's all her fault!" I shouted.

"What did I do?" Luna asked incredulously.

"I tried to help you, and because of it, I got dumped. I should have stayed out of it," I said, glaring at Luna.

"I didn't ask you to get involved in it. You did that all on your own," Luna barked.

"Whatever, poor Luna gets whatever she wants. Big crybaby," I snapped.

"Lark, that's enough," Lyric ordered.

"Shut up, Lyric! You're just as bad. How you're able to get guys to fall at your feet is beyond me," I said, a matter of fact.

"Enough Larkin," Lakin barked.

"Bite me," I snapped as she hauled off and smacked me across the face, shocking me and everyone else.

"Lark," she said.

"Don't touch me!" I turned and ran up to my room. That slap set off a trigger from what happened with Roger. I slammed my door shut and locked it. I needed to hide and get to someplace safe. I needed to get away from Roger.

Then I heard pounding.

"Lark! Open up!" I heard yelling.

No, I would not let him get me. I knew the minute I opened that door; It was all over.

"Larkin! Open up," someone yelled.

"Go away, Roger!" I screamed as tears fell.

"Roger is dead, Lark!" Someone yelled.

"No, he's standing there with you!" I screamed.

"No, he isn't," someone said.

"Yes, he is," I cried.

Then I heard someone slam themselves against the door, causing me to go into a full-blown panic mode. I would not let Roger get me.

I ran to the window and threw it up. I started to climb out of the window when the door finally busted open, "Lark!" I heard someone yell, but I didn't care. I jumped.

"Ahhh!" I screamed.

"Larkin!" Someone yelled.

I was screaming as someone yelled my name. "Larkin! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes and looked around. It was dark. I felt someone's hands on me, and I panicked.

"Lark! It's me, Maverick!" Maverick yelled.

"Maverick?" Confusion filled me.

"Yes," he assured me. He reached over, turning on the light. I looked around to see myself in his bed inside his bedroom.

The door opened, and Michael and Lyric were standing there.

"Lark?" Lyric looked at me worriedly.

"Luna and Major. Tool. Roger. Jump. We broke up. Maverick," I rambled. I couldn't even form a proper sentence.

"Larkin, you're not making any sense," Maverick said to me.

Then I told him everything, and the three of them looked at me. "I'm not crazy," I screamed.

"Baby, you're not crazy. It was a bad dream," Maverick reassured me. It felt real. I clenched Maverick's tee shirt in my hands as he pulled me to him.

Lyric called Luna and put her on speaker, "Do you have any idea what time it is, you twit?" Luna asked Lyric.

"Where's Major now?" Lyric asked.

"He's next to me. Why?" Luna asked.

"Well, apparently Larkin thinks he's out, catting around on you," Lyric answered.

Then we heard Luna yell, "Major, you tool! Are you freaking kidding me?"

"What are you babbling about?" Major yelled.

"You better not be out chasing skirt on me!" Luna barked.

"And deal with Lakin? No, thank you," he huffed.

"Satisfied now?" Luna asked.

"Yeah, you go back to sleep, crabby," Lyric said, hanging up.

Maverick held me in his arms, trying to calm me, but the stress was getting to me. I was having nightmares, which meant one thing, no sleep. With the whole situation with Derek and Clay, it was getting to me.

Out of the five of us, I stressed out the most. Lyric dealt with the problems, Lakin used anger, Luna showed insecurities, and Lex took things as they came. I was the one that bottled everything until it landed me back in the hospital. That was never a good thing.

It would prove to be a significant hurdle for me when everything caved in on me at once. Something would send me over the edge and shock everyone.

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