"Absolutely", I stated eyeing Linda.

"I change my mind. I'm not changing its too hot, isn't it Linda?" She stated and gave a crooked smile to Linda. Linda too was in shorts, a white crop top, a pink long sleeves cardigan and sneakers.

"Of course it is. Let's go. Bye brother". Linda's smirk was mocking. If she wasn't my baby sister I would make her regret of making me seem as a fool in front of Lucy.

And why should you appear smart and intelligent in her presence? You are loosing it Houston.


It was almost 7pm Pamela, Catherine and Linda left. Edvin had to drop them home as he had to be somewhere important. As I was about to have a word with Lucy and her family so as I could take my leave too my dad called and asked for important files. Investors from UAE were on their way coming to meet us. Its important to get the files by tonight, its two months since I made a review on them and I no nothing of their whereabouts.

"Mrs Wills I had like to take your leave. I have somewhere to be. And I'm sorry once again for all that happened to your daughter".

"Its okay, its all in the past. And please just call me Anna, I already told you this last time".

"Sure, I will. Thank you Anna".

"Thank you too for a lot more".

"Where is Lucy?"

"I'm here".

"I gotta go. I need to look for some files. Its important I find them tonight. We have special investors coming tomorrow".

"I'm coming along. I will help you with that".

"Lucy you need rest. And don't show up tomorrow at work. Take a week off".

"A week off?! Really Houston? You are the boss you can take a week off, I'm just an employee so; NO thank you". Her voice was filled with frustrations as she was yelling at me.

"Calm down I was trying to be nice. Everyone knows I'm rude arrogant and uncaring but that's not true. Its a matter of your health Lucy so you need a week off for proper healing".

"No can do honey. I'm fine and that's final. Give me the keys I'm driving. Mom I will be back in an hour and if I delay please don't wait he has a spare room", hearing her call me honey made my face glow, she pecked Anna on the cheek then got closer to me.

"You aren't going anywhere with....", before I was done talking she began searching my trouser pockets. I tried jerking her hands but she pulled me closer looking deep into my eyes, she caught me off guard I had to give in. With every move her hands made gave me shivers, my heart beats fastened. It felt like it would pop out of my chest any minute. Something was happening to me but I didn't know what it was. How do I call this feeling? Has anyone felt this feeling I'm feeling right now?

"Got them. Let's go", her eyes sparkled with joy and slowly she took few steps back, she swung the car keys and head out with a dance walk. Was she happy seeing my reactions on how she affected me when she was too close? She must have enjoyed teasing and torturing me like that.

She drove till the office, we searched for more than two hours and they were nowhere to be seen. Lucy suggested we should go check my penthouse maybe I kept them there. They are old files, two years ago we went to Dubai for investments and came back with the files for the company we invested in. They suggested they should invest in our company too. Due to personal reasons they never came to discuss the deal. Searching every corner of my study room and my room too finally we found the files. Time flew by quickly it was almost 10pm and we both had nothing to eat. I made a quick dinner and both had it. Lucy called home and told them she won't make it back.

Around five when I was in my room reviewing the files and preparing myself for the meeting I heard noise in Lucy's room as she was asleep. She was whispering word I didn't catch. I made my way to her room and found her hugging a pillow while sleep talking. She was having a nightmare a terrible one I think. She kept talking and talking, "Daddy?.... daddy daddy......help.....anyone help. Jessy you gonna be okay, sissy is here". She kept murmuring, sweating and gasping. I didn't know what to do, either to hug her or wake her up.

"Let go of me, let go I say......help help somebody help?!" She screamed again after a minute. I had to get on the bed and hug her. Her body was shivering its like she had a high fever, her forehead covered with sweat and breathing heavily. It made me think of what she was dreaming off. Was is that frightening? Had she been through it in real life?

"I'm sorry I woke you up", she stated with a sleepy voice.

"Were you awake? Did I wake you?" I didn't know if she was awake or maybe holding her in my arms woke her up so I had to ask.

"You embraced me. I felt warm so I had to open my eyes. I'm really sorry I woke you up".

'It's okay Lucy; go take a quick warm shower it will make you feel better. I will bring you something to wear".


She came in grey joggers I gave her to wear. I find her cute in everything she wears but in my joggers she looks sexy. I didn't want to bother her with my curiosity to why she had a terrible nightmare. I hope she will talk about it when she is ready.

"I have nightmares every night. I'm sorry I ruined your night. And I'm sorry I can't narrate the whole story tonight as we have two important meeting to attend to tomorrow", she said in a whisper. Was she still in the memories of the dream she had? Was she not okay? Wasn't she keeping well at the moment? I had too many questions to ask but she was right we have two important meetings tomorrow and I have yo get ready for them.

"Go to sleep. I'm preparing for the meetings tomorrow. We have a lot to do tomorrow so make sure you get a proper rest", I dismissed her with an uncaring tone. These meetings were important and I didn't want the curiosity, care and the sympathy I felt for her to distract me.

If I had to ask her what is wrong or what made her had such a nightmare what would she tell me? Would she pour out her worry, stress, anger and heart all to me? I had to question myself all night. I took a photo of her in the joggers she was in while in the kitchen making a cup of coffee, I starred at it, talked to it but still I didn't get enough of her. I wanted to be there with her, tell her I will be there for her, tell her its gonna be okay its just a nightmare. Tonight was going to be a long night. She is the next room but I cant muster the courage to go ask her if she is okay.

The strange feeling was back, it came in another form a form of care and fear at the same time. I wanted to go hug her or cuddle her, tell her she is beautiful, tell her I am always here to drive away the nightmares. Kiss her forehead and assure her nothing is gonna harm her. But who is she to me? A best friend's friend? A friend of mine? A lover or girlfriend? At the end she just an employee and nothing more. With this sought in me a painful ache in my heart is felt. Is she this important to me? Do I need her for life? I feel that I truly do need her in every single minute of my life. I truly truly do.

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