The Girl Behind The Hood

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Born with it. Or maybe it was


Yes. It was. The build up of cruel


Like vultures you pricked and

Prodded. And told me the truth

I was ugly. I am ugly.

You're all so fucking lucky she sent

Me to a new school. So, a suicidal

Prevention. I now hide behind the


Better now. No one notices me now.


As some cruel joke. Something to rile

Me up. One arsehole

Pulled it up. At break time.

Kind of an overdramatic gasp on their

Part. I beat the shit out of him

Then ran. Screamed and shattered

The bathroom mirror. No one will

Bully me again. A few months later

I got tougher. Then I launched an

Attempted murder.

Therapy. She was a good therapist

She ripped my tough exterior apart

I broke down and said

"I'm ugly and everyone knows it"

And there it is. My own personal

heartbreak. Laid out on a slab

Go on then, take the knife and take a

Jab. Rip into me.

But no one did. Then later

My old bullies visited and

motioned me to a

Mirror. I looked

And they apologised. Then the leader

With his words changed me

"You have no idea.

You are not ugly, we brainwashed you.

One day, I wish you will see what we

All see"

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