At this point I was ready to let the boys loose on these idiots and take on how ever many I could. A part of me thought that they could be burglars but they clearly didn't go through the trouble of hiding their identity because none of them were wearing masks. They weren't wearing any gloves and nothing looked out of place. So what the hell are they doing here?

As I started to ask these men one more time how they got in the house before going bat shit, Rashad suddenly walked through the door on the phone. More men entered the room as I watched them shuffle in behind him. When Chapo and Pablo seen Rashad they took a seat at the foot of the staircase and stopped barking.

Rashad ended his call and turned to me with a smile. "Hey baby." He tried to kiss me but I quickly pulled away as he frowned. "What's up?"

"What's up? Rashad where have you been? I've been calling and texting you all day and you mean to tell me you can walk in here on the phone but you can't call me back? You had me worried sick!"

Now I realize at the moment I was causing a scene but honestly I don't care. Rashad wallaces in here without the slightest pep in his step to see me and honestly thinks that I would run into his arms like a damn fool. He didn't even have the decency to call me after I blew up his phone all day. I know I said I didn't have it in me to fight with Rashad but the more I thought about earlier the angrier I became.

"Baby that was business.."

"I don't care." I retorted not accepting his excuse.

Rashad turned to his men and asked for them to give us a minute. I assume he wasn't too happy about me tripping out on him in front of his company but again I don't care. Hell he deserves it!

They all trailed out the front door in silence as Rashad closed the door behind them. Once they were gone he turned to me with a look of disappointment. I folded my arms staring him down right back. He's not the only one that can have an attitude.

Suddenly Rashad chuckled as he sized me slowly. The smirk that pulled at the corner of his lips literally sent me over the edge. What the fuck is so amusing?

"What are you smiling for?"

"Your outfit is cute but don't wear this to school anymore."

"Are you serious right now Rashad?" I asked as he brushed past me towards the couch. He took a seat as I stood over him. "I've been worried about you all day and you have the nerve to be joking right now. Are you kidding me?"

Rashad sighed running his palms over his face. "Shawty why are you turning up on me right now?"

"It's four in the morning Rashad. Where have you been?" I could tell that he was exhausted but my anger continued to get the best of me.

"I told you. I had to take care of some business."

"But that was hours ago Rashad, so what am I missing?"

"Listen I was on my way home to you like I promised but I got a call that held me up. I wasn't expecting for it to take as long as it did but it happens."

"That doesn't explain why you couldn't return any of my calls. How do you accept other's calls but leave me hanging like some idiot?"

"If I did you would've only be a distraction."

"A distraction? Are you kidding me? I'm sorry that calling you multiple times to make sure that you weren't laying cold dead in a dumpster somewhere makes me a distraction. I'll make sure to take a note of that in the future."

Honestly my feelings were hurt. Here I am worried about the safety of my boyfriend and he deems my constant attempts of communication a distraction. Was I not suppose to call and just wait to hear something on the news the next morning? How could he even say that to me? Of course I am going to call. Would he not do the same for me?

Nothing Like A Good GirlWhere stories live. Discover now