"Why don't chu come over to my placeeee...we cannn have somee fun in myyy bedroom..don't worrryy. I'll treat you well."

I whimpered. What the hell am I gonna do? The guy took my face in my hands and started eating my face off, to which I spat in his face.

I tried pushing him away but he wouldn't budge. He picked me up and took me behind a nearby vending machine.

I did the first thing that popped into my mind.

"STOP! PLEASE! HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I yelled and squirmed.

He put a finger to my lips. "Shh it's okay, I know what I'm doing," the voice was no longer slurred.

"You sure have a hot bod babe," he started slobbering all over my neck.

"HELP ME! PLEASE SOMEONE! ANYBODY!" I yelled even louder but nobody came.

He started unzipping his jeans and he pulled them off himself. He then unzipped my jeans and pulled them off with difficulty.

"C'mon, stay still, you know you want some of this. You'll be begging for more later."

He shoved his tongue into mine and nearly choked me. While he did so his hands never left my body. This is so disgusting, I feel disgusting, I thought.

I pushed him away and yelled even louder.


Just then, a boy came and pushed the guy off of me. They began punching eachother and the boy yelled at him for being a dick. While they did so I pulled my clothes back on.

"Get the hell outta here you motherfucker!" I heard a thud and felt my heart drop. I quickly turned around to see the guy on the ground and the boy with his fist raised above him. The guy scrambled and tried to get away but the boy kicked him in the ribs. After a few moments of pain the guy jumped up and ran away while the boy yelled after him, "Get back here and fight like a man!" Damn, his voice was deep. I checked him out. He was incredibly tall and skinny, and I could tell he was around my age. 18, probably. 20 at the most. He wore eyeliner around his eyes and sported a black t-shirt and skinny jeans.

He came over to me and held out his hand.

"Hey, need some help?" he smiled.

I held out my hand hesitantly and allowed him to lift me up.

"Thanks, for that." I winced, rubbing my shoulder shyly and shamefully.

"No problem. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I am. You don't have to stick around. Thank you."

"Okay... Well,I gotta head off. Take care of yourself," he gave me a small smile and then proceeded to walk away.

I tried not to think about that boy or that horrible night much afterwards. But of course, who could forget those electrifying blue eyes?


The next day at school I had English twice, first and fourth period. I sat in the same seat I sat the day before, next to Ashley. He was so intimidating. I really wanted to be friends with him but it's not like I could just go up to him and say, "Hey let's be friends!" Incidentally, a raging battle filled my hollowed head.

Just talk to him!

What if he rejects me?

Then you'll know he's not worth it.

What if he thinks I'm gross looking?

Just say something dammit!

I'm scared to!

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