Chapter 1 [Edited]

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Chapter 1
"Heart Attack."
A/N- Trailer up above.

"V get up!" Shawn bounces up and down at the edge of my bed. What time is it!? I glance over at my shaking alarm clock and see 5:05. I am barely able to make out the time from my bed being bounced from the over hyper kid.

I groan loudly, "Shawn, get out!"

"But-but sissy." I huff and turn my head out of the pillow to look at Shawn. He looks like he is going to burst into tears at any second. I pat the bed beside me, perking up he crawls into the bed, laying down beside me.

"I l-love you V."

I kiss his forehead, "I love you too."

He smiles drowsily, his eyelids slowly closing. I love Shawn with all my heart, it's to bad people wont know I have a heart. I slide down my bed slowly, trying not to wake my little brother. I sort through my closet looking through my clothes, while thinking about my baby brother.

He really isn't my baby brother, I mean he is 7. He has a problem with stuttering. When he first learned to talk it was bad, he slowly started to lose the stutter. Me and my mom figured he would out grow it, he hasn't. The doctor agrees with me and my mom, but it should have cleared up by now. My vision blurs, I hate to see my brother have such horrible problems. When you look into his big green eyes it just melts your heart.

I finally run onto a maroon shirt with the number 87 in bulky font with a line going through it. I pick out black ripped jeans to match and lace up boots. Next come my leather jacket, I pull my blonde hair into a neat floppy bun with loose strands curving around my face.

I walk back over to my bed and pick up Shawn, taking him into his room. His room is right beside mine, it is painted an off white with wood trimming. His bed is shaped as a boat and light blue waves is painted on the border around the walls. Mom wanted to do a ocean and boat theme for his room. It is cute, but he has out grown it.

I tuck him in and give him a kiss goodbye. I stand and watch his chest slowly rise and fall. His black eyelashes laying gently on his puffy cheeks. He smirks slightly in his sleep, making him look so precious. I will take care of him for as long as I can. I go back to my room and apply a small layer of makeup. I put a lipgloss that gives my lips a faint red tint. I manage to pull off a perfect wing, the wing is thin and curls gracefully. My mom loves when I add a wing here and there, and she always comments how jealous she is that she can't do it.

I slip my phone into my back pocket and run down the stairs skipping every other step. I grab my keys off the kitchen table and here the door bell ring. That must be Marie, which is moms closest friend and Shawn's babysitter. He is having a 2 hour delay for school today for some reason or I would have drove him if not. I answer it and give a small nod to Marie. Marie will drive him to school.

"Shawn is in his room asleep."

"Okay have a good day Val-" I walk to my car at a fast pace.

I shut my car door before she can continue her sentence. I put the keys into the ignition and turn them, the engine purring. This car was a gift for my sixteenth birthday from someone that I won't even say. I will just clear it up and say I hate them with every bone in my body, but thank them for the nice car. I blare the radio on a random popular channel and pull out of the drive way. The song plays a fast paced rhythm-

The way you sway those hips. My eyes following those curves and dips.

I drive down the road and glance into the side mirror, the music non of my interest. I notice a car right on my bumper. I catch a glimpse of a guy driving.

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