Chapter 8 [Edited]

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Chapter 8
"So did you break into the house, or did my mom let you in?"

I sigh and look down at my feet. "I already know."

I catch a glimpse of her from under my eyelashes, and her expression was priceless. Her eyes were wider than quarters and her mouth was shaped into an 'o'. Her hands hold the phone limp at her side. I then tell her where I went all day and what I found when I was driving home. After I'm done she sits on the couch with her head rested in her hands.

"I know he was a bad man, but I did love him."

I stare at my mom, I hated the man. She knew it, but I'm not going to hate my mom for loving him. She has stories about him when they were in high school. He was a different man, but she said he changed after his mothers death. She always hoped he would come around and change back, but he never did. I huff and plop down on the couch beside her. Putting my hand on her back and rub the stiff knots in it. We hear footsteps against the wood before he appears in the living room.

"Have you guys seen dad since he-"

He stops himself and looks at me. I see pity in his eyes, but I'm the one feeling more pity for him. He just found out his fathers true side and now I have to tell him he is dead.

I go to answer, but mom beats me to it. Which was probably best, because my mom knows I would have been blunt about it.

"I'm sorry Vincent but your father had to much to drink and was driving-"

My moms words falter as she sees realization click on his face. So... I know this isn't important but the guy from my nightmare/half brother's name is Vincent. He looks down at the floor and shakes his head. A bitter laugh escapes his upturned mouth and his face looks like he just ate something sour.

"I always hated him."

"At least we have one thing in common."

"Valentine," Mom hisses. I roll my eyes and cross my legs on the couch. Vincent looks at me with hatred, and I stick my tongue out and cross my eye. Uncrossing my eyes, my vision clears up. Vincent's hatred glare falters and I watch the corner of his mouth twitch. I laugh and get up off the couch, moving around Vincent. I head up the stairs and into my room. Closing my door and locking it, I prefer having no uninvited guests in my room. I drift off into a dreamless sleep under the warmth and protection of my covers.


"Boop." I keep my eyes closed as Shepherd continuously pokes my nose.

"Shepherd let her sleep."

"But its so fun, watch." He taps my nose again, "Boop! See! Did you see her nose twitch!?"

"Shhhh!" Both Axel and Phoenix hush Shepherd.

Shepherd mumbles something under his breath. I wait ten more seconds, and snatch his outstretched hand that's only centimeters from my nose.

"If you boop me one more time I'll break your hand." I let go of his hand and he yelps falling off my bed. Opening my eyes, I sit up facing all three of the guys. Axel sits on top of my dresser and Phoenix leans against it. Shepherd moans and stands up off the floor.

"You scared the-" I hold my hand up not wanting him to finish that sentence.

"How did you get in my room. I locked the door, didn't I?"

"You did," Shepherd confirms.

"But Phoenix picks a mean lock." The self reserved Phoenix can pick a lock, huh?

I push the covers back from my body and all the guys close their eyes. Heat rises to my cheeks as I realize I'm only in a shirt and underwear. I move over to my dresser and raise Axels long legs up from the drawers. I open one and pull out black shorts. It matches my yellow shirt I'm wearing that says, 'you don't want a piece of this' in black font. I lower Axel's legs back against the dresser and slip into the shorts.

The Baddest :Book One: (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now