Chapter Thirteen: Hospital Kisses.

Start from the beginning

Was Sherlock... responding to her flirting? Or just being polite? Maybe he just saw replying as a necessary pleasantry.

"Til the next time" Irene winks before turning on her heels and walking away, still looking like a woman worthy of the throne in her ripped and ruined dress.

"Hey!" Jim shouts, angry. "Sherlock needs help. You can't just walk away!"

Despite Jim's words, she keeps walking.

"Bitch," Jim huffs the word before looking to Sherlock.

Sherlock giggles a bit at Jim's lovely description of Irene before sighing in a way that suggested he was in much pain. He leans further into Jim, head rolling back onto his shoulder.

Jim doesn't let himself think about how it must look. Instead, he starts to debate whether he should try and carry Sherlock bridal style or not. He wasn't too sure if he'd be strong enough.

Just as he was about to put his arm under Sherlock's knees a man with slivery grey hair appears, heading straight for them. Jim vaguely recognised him, having seen him around Bards on occasion.

Unless Jim was very wrong, then this was the DI from Scotland Yard that Sherlock sometimes worked with. What division the DI worked in, however, Jim had no idea.

"Sherlock, we got the guy. I text-" He cuts off, eyes falling to Sherlock's poorly bandaged leg. "Shit! I'll go get the nurse."

He starts to turn back when Sherlock starts to shake his head.

"No. Don't bother, Lestrade" Sherlock protests. "John will take care of it when I get home."

Before Lestrade could reply, Jim snorts. "You are going to that bloody nurse and the hospital, Sherlock."


"No" Jim cuts in before Sherlock had barely started. "Shut up and just do as you're being told for once"

Surprisingly, Sherlock shuts up and allows Jim to lead him to where an ambulance is waiting, already treating a few scrapes people had received in whatever trouble Lestrade's men had caused.

Frowning, Sherlock turns to a confused looking Lestrade (who was glancing between Jim and Sherlock). "Why is there already an ambulance?" Sherlock demands.

Lestrade snaps back to being professional and pulls out his phone. "You text me saying: Two unconscious in underground rooms, others scattered over the fair grounds. Find this man. And then the picture and details of our friend over there," He points to a police car where a rough looking man sat in the back, looking very annoyed. "Of course I was going to bring an ambulance."

Sherlock was nodding through the explanation, barely sparing the man they'd been after a glance. Two nurses had sat him in the back of the ambulance, treating his leg and tutting at the poor attempt Jim had made to wrap the wound.

Jim awkwardly takes a seat beside the injured man. Sherlock sends him a small thankful smile but of course says nothing.

Git, Jim thinks fondly.

No. Not fondly. He wasn't fond of Sherlock in any way, shape or form.

They weren't even friends.

Nearly three hours later, Jim found himself sat in a sparkling clean white waiting room. Sherlock was getting stitches for his leg and then they'd be on their way back home.

While he waits, Jim takes out his phone and brings up his chat box with 'Sebby <3'. There's a bunch of unread messages, at first they were just Sebastian being a tease and saying about it being a date and how he was not to have sex. Then they got ugly.. Sebastian was worrying and texting in caps lock and demanding to know where the hell Jim was.

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