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"get in the car." taehyung ordered.

i didn't move a muscle while i stood there, lost. i still can't believe my dad got shot by this psychopath so i didn't listen and just stay still.

"i said get in the car, y/n." he gritted his teeth.

i didn't move again and just stared at no where. my dad got literally shot in front of my own eyes, it hurts like hell. i want to see him so badly if he's alright or didn't survive—i hope he did. he's the only thing i have in this world, he's the only one who protects me.

"you're so stubborn." he groaned.

i ignored him but i was quickly pushed inside the car forcefully. it hurt how my head bumped into the car and how he harshly pushed me in. he closed the door and it almost reached my legs.

i groaned in pain but he opened the door on the driver's seat and looked at me coldly.

i looked away and tried to open the door when i heard he locked it, "you're not going anywhere." and then he started the engine.

i looked at him, "what do you need from me? you already shot my dad! what do you need now?!" i yelled.

he suddenly stopped the car that made me moved harshly from my seat. i glared at him but he suddenly put his hands off the steering wheel and leaned dangerously close to my body.

i gulped while staring close to his face until the corner of his lips tugged up. i stopped breathing and felt suffocated again.

"you." he whispered and leaned away while smirking.

i looked at my body and saw he put on my seat belt. i froze on my seat while pursing my lips.

why does he always make things awkward? i looked in the dark road again while playing with my fingers.

i noticed we're going to a forest and i got scared. it's completely dark outside and we're approaching a road that full of tall trees around. i bit my lip because i'm really scared.

i like horror movies but when i see places like this, i can't help but to imagine things. like how would a slender man show in front of the road, how would a ghost show in the middle of the road, or how would a killer show—

i gasped when i realized i'm with a real killer inside a car right now. i got scared even more when i caught a glimpse of the gun beside him.

my hands started to sweat cold and i trembled. i froze on my seat and breathe heavily while stopping myself from bursting into tears. i'm scared, i'm totally scared of dark places and him.

i think he noticed the shaking of my hands and he looked at me. a tear is daring to flow down my cheeks when i felt his eyes looking at me. i'm terrified of him, i don't know what he'll do to me. i'm scared.

"hey, are you okay?" he tried to reach me but i tried my best to stay away and leaned closer to my side.

"d-don't touch me." i stuttered while my hands started to shake.

taehyung doesn't seem shock at my reaction but shrugged and continued driving.

i didn't dare to look ahead or i'll be even more scared. i hate darkness and horrific places like this especially when i'm with kim taehyung.

i closed my eyes and waited for the car to stop. once i felt it wasn't moving anymore, i opened my eyes.

i didn't saw a abandoned house either a scary looking house i expected. but instead i saw a beautiful mansion or even looking like a palace infront of thr car, it was lit up by many lights. it looked so big and bright.

i was left in awe but taehyung spoke, "get out." then he get off the car.

i get out immediately before he break my bones by pushing me aggressively. i was mesmerized by the beauty of the mansion. i feel like princesses are living inside the house, it look so fancy and cool.

"a fly would go inside your mouth y/n." i heard taehyung chuckled.

i ignored him but he softly pulled my wrist towards the house. i didn't protest because i feel so tired and it's been a long day for me. my body feel so heavy.

when we entered the house, i was even more amused. it was full of decorations and painting while the wall is painted in cream white. it has golden lines at the corner and the chandelier above us makes the ceiling stunning.

the furnitures look so expensive as well. we're rich but these things looked too luxury for a millionaire to afford.

taehyung pulled me again to the stairs. the stairs seemed too expensive as well that you would hesitate whether to step on it or just keep in untouched.

when we reached the second floor, the hallways are stunning too and lit up by bright lights but full of paintings too. hallways are full of wooden doors.

taehyung dragged me to one of the doors and pushed me inside that made me stumbled.

i was about to hiss at him but i was amused by the decorations of the room. this is little bigger than my actual room but it looked more fancier since it was full of paintings again. the bed is queen sized that has clean white sheets and fluffy pillows.

"this will be your room." taehyung spoke behind me.

i turned around and widened my eyes, "my room? what do you mean?"

he crossed his arms and leaned on the frame door, "this is the room where you'll be sleeping, also there's a bathroom over there." he pointed.

"what? why am i here?"

"here? in this room? obviously, you're gonna sleep here every night unless you want to sleep on the sofa or floor." he rolled his eyes.

"every day? it's not like i'm staying for long here—"

"you will," he smirked. "you will be living here with me from now on."

i froze and looked at him nervously, "w-what?"

he walked towards me while i walked backwards. i gulped and gulped until i felt the bed behind my knees. taehyung took this opportunity to push me on the bed while i gasped. he slowly hovered over me and i tried to fight back but he aggressively held my wrists while pinning them above my head. he leaned closer and,

"welcome home, y/n." he grinned.


ik it's shitty and the plot's too cliché. i'm sorry, i'm just losing my confidence in writing these days :((((

good night :) (edit: should i still continue this story or should i finish virginity first? i feel like this story is boring lmaooooooo)

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