Chapter 2 ― Torchwood

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Hey hey! Sorry for the wait, I was kind of busy and my sister's always on the computer these days -.- Anyways, I'm glad so many liked the first chapter even if it was really sad. I'm afraid to say this chapter doesn't get any better, but things will lighten up eventually, I promise! There's always rain before a rainbow, right?

Life has been going well mostly, I'm passing french this semester! One more semester and I'm sure to have my high school diploma :) Things with the bf have been a little meh lately, but next week is our one year anniversary, so things will get better ^^ I'll probably just get better tomorrow anyways, I can never stay mad at him lol Nothing else to say...

So here you go! I hope you enjoy :D





A week had passed since that night. I felt like there was an invisible wall between us, blocking us from being how we were before no matter how hard I tried to break it down. We never mentioned what I told him before he shot up in the Pandorica. I could tell that whatever was there between us that day, it would do no good to bring it up.

And now the Doctor didn’t know how to be around me. I could see him constantly struggling between acting sad and guilty against indifferent. We didn’t talk much, but I would catch him in the corner of my eye, looking at me with those green eyes so full of loneliness and grief. I didn’t give up on trying to convince him it wasn’t his fault, that no one but Leonardo was to blame… But it seemed useless now.

As to what we did during our week? We took Amy and Rory to a few places for their honeymoon, leaving the Doctor and I alone together most of the time while they were… busy. We had just finished saying our goodbyes to them, as they wanted to spend some married time on Earth for a while, when the Doctor and I walked back in the TARDIS to the controls. I tried myself at a conversation with him.

“So… Where are you taking me now? We’ve never really travelled alone,” I pointed out.

He shrugged without even looking up at me as he set in the coordinates.

“Doctor?” I asked, trying to get his attention.

“Yes?” he said dully, deciding to be indifferent today.

“Where are we going? You didn’t set the TARDIS at random. I assume you have a destination in mind,” I repeated.

“Cardiff, Wales,” he finally answered.

I frowned in confusion. We could literally go anywhere in the universe and he chooses Cardiff on Earth?

“Ok… Past or future?”

“Present. Well, there is no present for me. Let’s say today’s date.”

My confusion grew stronger. He wasn’t making sense. Finally, he lowered a lever and the TARDIS disappeared from London to land in Cardiff a moment later. We walked out to find ourselves next to this tall building or monument with water falling along its side. It was a particular sunny day for Wales. I waited for the Doctor to advance in a certain direction to know where in Cardiff were going, but he stayed put in front of the TARDIS, looking around.

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