Chapter 17 ― The Youthilosian Secret

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***140 VOTES FOR CHAPTER 18***

Hey hey! I hope you enjoy ^^ No updates this weekend, I'll be much too busy or too hung over haha




In a hurry, I ran into the ballroom to see everyone gathered around the main entrance. Curious, I made my way to the front to find Olberti lying on the ground, covered in blood, dead. I gasped, covering my mouth in shock.

“Settle down now! Settle down!” the host of the night, Yan Na, a small Youthilosian man with long ears that dangled down like two strings and a pinkish color to his skin, ordered, tapping his glass with a spoon to get people’s attention. “A tragic accident has happened I’m afraid. The chandelier over the door to the ballroom had come loose just as this gentleman was coming back in to join us, he explained looking regretful. “But there is no reason to panic or to stop the festivities. Please get back to the dancing and the chatting as we contact that man’s family. May your night be peaceful!” he wished us.

Everyone immediately backed away from Olberti and did as the Youthilosian said, the music restarting. It was as if there wasn’t a group of long eared pink man taking away a dead body from the room and cleaning up the blood. But something seemed off to me. Reluctantly, I found the Doctor in the crowd and took his arm to pull him to the dance floor to question him about it discretely.

“Do you believe the chandelier story?”

“That it fell on him, yes. That it came loose, no. Do you think this calls for an investigation?” he whispered.

“Absolutely. How should we proceed?”

“You’re my wife.”

“What?” I babbled instantly, very surprised.

He started to pull me towards the host that had just gotten back to the party.

“Act like you believe his story,” the Doctor quietly added as we reached Youthilosian. “Hello, I simply have to say this is an amazing soiré you threw! I’m honored to be here in the Youthipolotian castle,” the Doctor said kindly.

“Why thank you, it’s an honor to have you, Sir...,” Mr Na trailed, searching for a name.

“Doctor. Just call me the Doctor. And this is my wife, Ariella from Earth,” he introduced us gracefully.

Got a hold on his whole charade and understood I was meant to pretend to be his wife. I smiled warmly to the host and took the Doctor’s arm as a wife would.

 “Oh yes! I’ve heard so much about you. I’m glad your invitation got to you, you’re very tricky to contact, you know.”

“So, I’ve been told,” the Doctor laughed charmingly. “The night is perfect! Well almost, it’s a shame about the Olberti fellow. I spoke to him a little earlier, told me he and his wife just had a litter of children and it was his first time away from home since.”

“Oh, indeed, what a tragic accident,” he replied. “Would you enjoy some punch made from the jus of our planet’s fruit? It’s absolutely delicious! We’ve place it over there and the snack table,” he said, pointing the other end of the room. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have other guest to attend to.”

And with that, he walked off to speak to some Sontarans.

“Funny how he didn’t seem to want to talk to us as soon as we mentioned the cat,” I pointed out.

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