Chapter 24 ― Almost

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Hey hey! Last chapter :O Only the Epilogue left and I'll be posting that tomorrow night just a bit before THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR!!! :D omgomgomg I'm am too excited!!! It's going to be fucking amazing, I just know it :D Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter ^^ only a 24hour wait until I'm completely done posting Break Me :)




I stood there in front of the airport in the heavy rain. Rain I hadn’t seen in months and missed so much after spending some time in complete dryness. Next to me was a tall man wearing a black suit much like the ones the other members of Torchwood Nevada liked to wear. I believed I heard someone call him Paul. Anyways, he’s the one that drove the jet to Cardiff to bring me home. The head of the American gang was very reluctant to have to use their jet for me, but apparently he owed Jack a favour so he couldn’t refuse.

We waited for only five minutes when the big black SUV type car pulled over next to us.

“Thanks for bringing her, I’ll take over from here,” Jack said as he got off to shake the man’s hand. The man simply grunted and walked away, leave Jack and I alone. “Well, that’s a shame, Nevada were the last Americans who owed us a favour,” he shrugged as he turned back to me. “So, how is my favourite half Time Lady?” he asked.

“Pretty good accept I don’t what’s real and what’s in my head,” I sighed.

“Well, all you have to do to know is find the Doctor, that should be easy!” he laughed, knowing very well it wasn’t.

“Thanks, it’s not like I wasn’t feeling completely hopeless before,” I rolled my eyes at him.

“I was just kidding, AJ! Look, if he is out there alive somewhere, we will find him. But fair warning, it’s going to take some time, you’re going to have to be patient.”

“What if he isn’t out there? What if he’s dead?” I said, shocking a little on the last word.

“I wish I could tell you, AJ. I really do,” he said as he wrapped and arm around me and walked me to the car.

I’m running, running as fast as I can. Why couldn’t unfriendly aliens be more cooperative dammit! I’m out of breath as I can be and his ahead by a few meters. Since Torchwood took me in two months ago, I decided to join the team instead of staying closed off in the basement.

“Gwen, he’s going south,” I say into the earpiece.

“Why don’t you shoot him?” I can hear her ask.

“Because he ate my gun five minutes ago!”

“So what are you ever going to do if you catch up to him?”

“I don’t know, slow him down until you catch up.”

“That sounds safe, run after the alien that ate your gun!” she pointed out rudely.

“Hum, AJ?” Jack’s voice suddenly appeared in the earpiece.

“Better be important, Jack,” I replied as I jumped over a fence difficultly.

“It is important. I don’t think it can wait.”

“Well, if it can’t wait, why are you beating around the bush? Just tell me already!” I said, very cranky from the alien and Gwen.

“There’s been a TARDIS sighting.”

I stopped so fast, I my feet got confused and I stumbled down to the concrete, hurting my arm in the process. But I could barely feel the pain. If my heart wasn’t beating at 10,000 kilometers per hour before, it was now.

“Where?” I asked, looking around me like he could be somewhere close.

“In Witchurch, on the corner of Merthyr Road and Bishop’s Road. It’s about a 4 minute run from where you currently are. Go East and eventually you’ll find Merthyr. Turn left until you’re on Bishop.”

He wasn’t even finish talking that I started bolting East. I was scared, scared of what he might say, scared of what I might say and scared I wouldn’t get to him in time. Jack wasn’t helping.

“The TARDIS has reportedly been there for over two hours. The Doctor is unpredictable, he might already be gone.”

“Well, thanks for that!” I said sarcastically.

“But he’s alive!”

“River could’ve taken the TARDIS. I’m not believing his alive until I see him!”

And I ran and ran and ran. My mind was completely scattered all over the place I was feeling dizzy from the running. I was now on Merthyr and I could feel like I was getting closer. That’s when I heard the sound. The sound of that beautiful engine roaring. Leaving Earth for God knows how long. That’s when I saw it. Slowing dematerializing under the street sign.

“DOCTOR!” I screamed desperately as I got closer and closer, tears forming in my eyes.

I was just about to touch it with the tip of my finger when it was gone…

I fell to the ground where it stood just seconds before and broke down into sobs. I was so close! If I had just made is a moment earlier… If I had ran faster… I felt completely crushed and disappointed in myself more than words could describe.

“AJ?” I heard Jack in the earpiece.

Out of anger and self-loathing, I tore the earpiece out and threw it to the ground. I didn’t want to talk to Jack, I just felt like jumping off a cliff.

After a while, I picked myself up off the ground, wiped away the tears and calmly started to walk towards Torchwood headquarters.

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