17 | Unwelcomed Guests

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Jayce POV

"Wait they slept together?"

"Jayce, that's not the point of my story. The point is that Ryder betrayed us." I hear what he's saying but still they slept together.


"When What?" He slouches irritated with me.

"... did they sleep together?"

"When you were pretending to hate us. They met after she was mobbed and they bonded ever since." Nick replies earning a shocked stare from my end.

"You knew?"

"Yeah." Alex intervenes.

"All Of you?" I cross my arm.

"HELLO... Gabi and Ryder are teamed up with Marco! Why are we arguing about something that happened in the past!" Jordan shouts and grabs my shoulders. "Jayce you have the girl and the baby! Get over yourself!"

"He's right... how do you know all of this?" Logan redirects our attention. I remove Jordan's arms from my shoulders glaring at him. He nervously smiles back.

"Gabi set the house that they were staying at on fire with the girls in it."

"What, are they okay? Are they hurt?" Alex's questions were non stop. My thoughts were non stop.

"They are in the hospital recovering, Jacob is watching them. It's a good thing I had Zaya." Holy shit if Jordan didn't have Zaya she- I can't even think that way.

"That's not all... Gabi went down to the hospital and visited Zoe. She was carried Zaya and started explaining how she took you away from her and that it's her fault Vince is dead."

"SHE TOUCHED HER? IM GONNA KILL HER!" I shouted as the guys covered their ears.

"Wait that's not it... Ryder and Gabi are the reason why Jacob was taken and why Jack is dead. Gabi also said that Marco wants to meet Zoe, alone." I bit my tongue so I wouldn't interrupt.

I feel so bad for Zoe. I can't imagine what she must be feeling. I'm glad Jordan is there to support her. Otherwise I think she'd go off the rails.

"I'm done now."

"Okay yeah I hope you told Zoe there's no way in hell shes going alone." Logan scoffs crossing his arms.

"If I go they'll be consequences... I tried convincing her. But she wants answers and you know how stubborn she can be."

That's very true.

"She can't die Jordan," I finally speak.

"She won't I promise you she'll remain safe. I'll put a tracker on her so that we can know where she is at all times." I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Better be." Was all I could say before the door reopens.

"Jayce you have a visitor." Zoe's dad runs his hand through his hair letting out a sigh. I gave him a confusing look. "Hurry please."

That can't be good.

I look at the guys one last time before leaving the room. He took me down a few halls before finally entering a room far from the one we previously were in.

"What's going on?" He didn't answer and opened the door. A metal chair with chains was in the middle of the room. I sat in the chair as he chains my arms and legs.

"No matter what stay strong." He pats my shoulder before leaving the room. I hung my head waiting for what's to come.

Finally they did.

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