6 | Who Is She?

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People always change after being hurt.


"Jacob can I see- shit I'm sorry I didn't-

"It's okay you can look I have a towel on. It's not like I'm naked." I turn back around and smile nervously.

"Right..." my were drawn to the stomach. There were many knife scars, still some bruising around the rib area.


"I'm fine."

"This is all my fault." I walked up to him and made him turn around. His back had burn marks along his spine. "I'm so sorry."

"Stop it... look you know how you can make it up to me?" I continued to stare at his wounds. His hand however guided my head so that I would look into his eyes.

"You can make it up by letting me see my niece or nephew." His words brought a smile to my face. I lead him into my room where her crib was.

I hovered her crib gently picking her up. I saw Jacobs eyes sparkle and his face lighten up.
He carefully takes her from my arms.

"She's beautiful."

"Thank you."

"She looks just you, only with his eyes. Damn she's gonna be a feisty one like her momma I can just tell." He places a kiss on her chunky soft cheeks. I love attractive men with babies, it just makes them ten times more hotter.

"He misses the day she was born. He must be crushed."

I let out a sigh crossing my arms.

"Have you seen him yet?"

"No I couldn't I was busy with finding you. Plus the black dragons and the rest of the royals are wanted people in LA. We can't exactly walk on the streets anymore."

"Yeah what happened exactly?"

"The day you were kidnapped was the day the guys were arrested. Jayce was charged for the murder of the mayor. And Marco is now the mayor." Saying that out loud makes me sound crazy.


"Not only did that happen but Jack died that same night." I rubbed my arm out of discomfort. I looked at the fragile baby he held.

I miss him.


"Jay stop!" I ran into my bedroom staying put into the corner.

"If you think you can throw flour at me and get away with it... you're dead wrong!" He spoke in a low intimidating voice. I started to laugh as he came closer to me.

"Big mistake." He said, before reaching for me. I quickly ducked and ran on top of my bed.

Jack was right ditching school and hanging out here is way more fun. I'd rather be tickled to death then have people staring at me and teachers tell me what to do.

"Jay no stop!" I scream as he tackles me on the bed. He pins my arms down looking into my eyes.

"Say you're sorry and that I'm the best."

"You're sorry and I'm the best." I smirk, only for him to shake his head.

"You just don't learn." With that being said he started to tickle me. I was dying from laughter, I was practically gasping for air.

"OKAY... YOU WIN... IM SORRY YOU'RE THE BEST!" The torture finally stopped letting the air return to my lungs.

"That's right and don't you forget that."

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