"You want to come to the cafeteria and hang out for a little?" She offers.

       I look back at Elle.

       "Sure! You want to come, Elle?" I offer.

       "No, thanks,' she replies,' I'm good."

       With that, Grace and I head to the cafeteria. She gets a two giant doughnuts and a coffee from the breakfast line.

       "Want anything? I'll pay for you." She offers.

       "Thanks but I'm okay. I ate breakfast at home." I say.

       That's a lie. From now on, I'm going to stop eating breakfast. I want to be in the best possible shape for this fashion show. But I look at Grace in envy. She's so lucky to be able to indulge in all the junk food she wants and not gain weight.

"Ready for after school?" She asks.

"What's after school?" I reply.

"You didn't hear? We have to go back to the place the audition was at." She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"We're going to find out about the show. The themes, the costumes, etc." She explains.

"I didn't hear about that,' I say,' let me just let my parents know."

Me: Hey, guys. I have a meeting today after school for the fashion show.
Momma 😻: Okay, why didn't we hear about this sooner?
Me: I heard about this just now.
Momma 😻: Well, good luck getting to that meeting. Your father and I have to work, remember?

Shoot, I forgot about that. That's when dad comes in.

Fave parent 😘: As long as you find a SAFE ride to the meeting, you have our permission to go, sweetheart 😘.
Me: Thanks guys 😘!
"I can't go." I sigh to Grace.

"What? Why not?" She questions.

"My parents aren't going to be able to give me a ride. I could maybe talk to Elle about it but I don't want to get in her way." I explain.

"If you come on the bus with me after school, my dad could take you. It's no problem with him." She says.

"Are you sure? I don't want to get in the way." I say.

"No, it's fine. Anything to help out a friend." Grace smiles.

She lightly elbows me and then we walk into class.

       "I can't believe how hard Mr. Deegan's making that history test." Sighs Elle at lunch.

       "Tell me about it." I sigh.

       "Want to come over and study with me later?" She asks.

       "When later?" I ask.

       "After school, the usual time. Maybe around 2:30-3:00?" She says.

       "That's not going to work for me. Maybe 4:30?" I ask.

       "Why's it not going to work?" She asks.

       "I have some meeting for the fashion show." I say.

       "Oh, do you need me to drive you there?" Elle offers.

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