02 | Ramen Lover, Sasuke Addict, Duckbutt, Dog Boy and Panda are in my house?!

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- Chapter 02 -

Ramen Lover, Sasuke Addict, Duckbutt, Dog Boy and Panda are in my house?!

". . . believe it!" Naruto's voice yelled at the screen and with that, the ending song started playing. Squealing happily, I closed the site I had opened to watch the latest Naruto episode, since I had finished reading the manga. Darn you, Aiko.

Stretching my muscles from being like over 4 hours watching Naruto episodes until I collapse, I closed my computer's screen and headed down the stairs, opening the fridge and searching for a (still alive) juice box. But with my sister in house, of course there was nothing but an empty-filled glass of juice in the fridge. My brown eyes wandered on the glass inside the fridge and I narrowed them, almost glaring at the juice inside that thing. I wondered . . . what had Aiko done with her mouth before she had drunk the juic- meh, I'll drink it.

I grabbed the glass and smirked evily, "Another victory for Hiro Sugawara! Yeaaah, bitcheezz~~!" But as soon as I placed my lips on the glass and got a smell of the juice, I swear, it was like I had just received a bonk on the head from Sakura. Full-powered to tell the truth.

Suddenly, the bell of the door rang and I procceeded to open it, with the glass in my hand. Opening the door, I saw a tall guy who was wearing a red worksuit with a company's logo pasted on it and holding a small package. "Hiro. . . Sugawara?" he questioned after he checked the small clipboard he had placed above the package.

"Yes?" I replied, leaning slightly on the door's frame. The guy handed me a clipboard and I signed it, then gave it back and replaced it with the package he was holding. I weighted the package with my hand and traced my fingers on it, my eyes widening in realization after I figured out that this was a manga. I squealed happily and thanked the guy, slamming the door shut.

I ran up the stairs and plopped on the couch, almost ripping off the big-sized envelope and taking out the small booklet. And there it was. Like Masashi had promised me, the latest volume of Naruto was in my hands. It wasn't even officially published in the markets!

"Weeee, let's read it now!!" I exclaimed happily and started reading Naruto's battle with Kaguya. That bitch! My poor Naruto was in pain! Though I have to admit; in his new form, he looks so--

"Uwaaah, I look so sexy in there!" a voice almost yelled beside my ear, which caused me to leave a yelp and fall off the couch, hitting the hard ground. Remember to kill my sister for removing the carpet.

Rubbing my head, I looked up and saw two warm blue eyes staring at me with confusion while I stared back with the same emotion. As I broke the eye contact, my eyes caught a sight of bright yellow spiky hair and an orange together with red suit. Wait-- who was that guy? What was he doing in my freaking house? Why, how, when and who?

"Ano, I didn't mean to scare y- Ow! What was that for, Sakura-chaaann?"

"For scaring the poor girl!"

"Tch, will you two shut up?"

"Where are we anyways?"

"Arf arf!!"

"You're right, Akamaru! This looks nice~!"

Standing up, my eyes traced on all of them but I didn't quite get the time to recognize their figures as I started yelling. "Wow, ow, ow, everyone! Shut up! Who are you people? Why are you even in--," I trailled off as I examined more their faces and appearances. My jaw dropped immediately on the floor and if I was in an anime, Kami would have taken my spirit away.

"Wha- Wha- What. . . Duckbutt!! Ramen Lover? The Pink Sasuke Addict?! Dog Boy? PANDA?!!" I started stuttering uncontrollably, feeling my heart beats increasing second by second. This couldn't be happening. No way in hell.


. . .

The blond male or should I say Naruto (!) scratched the back of his head and looked at me with half-closed eyes, "Geh, no need to shout, ya know!"

"HOW THERE IS NO NEED FOR ME TO SHOUT?! YOU ARE HERE! YOU-- Wait, are you cosplayers or something?" I raised suspiciously an eyebrow, taking a step closer to him and observing him from tip to toe. His general appearance was reminding me the one of Naruto's but it couldn't be really him. . . could it? I mean, these things happen only in these fanfictions Aiko reads all the time on her cellphone and there's no way in hell this could happen to me for real.

"Hnn. . ."

My hand reached up and was shoved in Naruto's hair gently which made the boy raise a confused eyebrow. I grabbed a handfull strand of hair and pulled it hard, causing him to scream like an animal. Meanwhile, the rest of the people inside were staring at me like I had just escaped from a psychiatric clinic or something. "Yeap, definitely Naruto-- WAIT HUWAT."

"That hurt like heck, ya know!" Naruto complained and rubbed his head, an irk mark visible on his forehead.

I ignored his complains and moved over to my next target: Sasuke Duck- I mean, Uchiha. I casually grabbed him from his collar and pulled him in a kiss, gaining some squeaks of surprise from the rest. Though, I quickly jumped off, just a second before Sakura's fist slammed on the place I was standing before.

"Why you! Why did you do this to Sasuke-kun?!"

The Sasuke I had grabbed before poofed away and the sensation of cold metal being placed on my neck soon replaced the warmth I was feeling before. It proved that the Sasuke I had kissed was a replica of him- the real Sasuke was currently threatening to cut open my throat.

"One more step and I'll kill you."

Yesh. They were 100% themselves. Gaara's sand was floating around him and Kiba was as cute and adorable as always so I didn't need to examine them. Now. . .

"HOW THE HECK DID YOU ENTER MY HOUSE?! HUH?" I practically yelled at them, making them sweat drop. Again.

"We didn't enter your house in the first place," Gaara stated firmly, keeping up with his cold and serious demeanor. Whatever, Panda. My grandma knows better how to tell lies.

Sakura must've noticed the scowl of disbelief I had on my face because she rushed to explain to me how the situation was. "Gaara is right. We just suddenly appeared in here, behind that sofa, in your house. The last thing I remember is us five-"

"Arf arf!"

". . . us six fighting with Obito and I think he used Kamui and teleported us here? It is a scenario of what probably happened."

I puffed out my cheeks and plopped on the couch, propping my palm under my chin. "Hn. . . This is a possible theory of what could have happened. But. . . even if it is true and this isn't a freaking dream, then it means that you are stuck in my world."

Kiba raised an eyebrow and kept his hand on Akamaru who was standing besides him, "And this world is. . . ?"

"Planet Earth, peopleeeezz. Welcome," I waved awkwardly at them and stared at their company. Naruto World had just popped behind my sofa. How am I gonna deal with that?

。。。* 。。。*。。。*。。。

This was the first unofficial chapter of 《 Why is the Naruto World Behind My Sofa?! 》!!!I hope you all enjoyed<3

Dedicated to @Nakiami (Mari-nee). She supported the story before it was published and she had always been commenting in my stories so she at least deserves that! Thank you :D

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