Moving Forward

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Hey everyone ❤🌹

Thank you so much for reading my book. This is the first book I've ever written and published on wattpad so I am sorry if it's not the best book but please give it a try.❤

1. Those that were reading 'Falling in love with my rapist', that book was taken down and replaced with this current book. Its a rewrite of the previous book but with changes.

2. All characters as well as the plot of the story is purely my own work. A book that may have the same plot as mine is a coincidence.

3. Please do not copy my work and pass it off as yours. Its not right and should not happen in the first place. We all have our own creative story, don't take mine.

4. Please vote and comment, I would love to see your comments. With that said I don't tolerate any rude comments about my book. If you don't have anything nice to say than don't say anything. And if you hate the book then don't read it.

Thanks again❤


Moving ForwardWhere stories live. Discover now