Chapter 11

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Michelle's POV


The winter air blew coldly against my face as I exited the restaurant. Kristen, Jayden and I had dinner together at our favourite restaurant, it was every month that we did this.

Wearing a pair of black leggings, an oversized grey jersey with my favourite woolen double scuff that was light grey in colour and a pair of ankle boots that were black, I walked to the top of the curb were I would get a taxi for the rest of the way home.

As I was about to reach the spot for the taxi, a hand came from behind and covored my mouth. I was being dragged to an alley. I fought against the person's hold but that only resulted in the person adding more force as they held me.

"Just co-operate" he said, his voice deep and rough.

"We're going to have some fun....darling" he said with his lips close to my ear, I could smell alcohol from him.

He began kissing my lips roughly and with much need.

"Stop, STOP!" I said with tears streaming from my face.

End of flashback

After my encounter with Christian, I quickly finished the last bit of work I had for the day and went home. It was around 16:30pm when we arrived at home, Lillian stayed with Christian and started preparing dinner for him to eat while I locked myself in my room feeling the need to be alone.

I changed out of my work clothes and put on a pair of pyjama shorts and a tank top after having a shower. With my hair wet and dripping with water droplets, I towel dryed my hair and put it in a messy bun. I lay on my bed just starring at the wall ahead. I thought of Christian and his question he asked me.

'Were you and daddy in love?'

His question played in my head over and over again.

Christian if only you knew what actually happened, if only you knew the course of  you coming into my life my son, my everything...if only you knew.

I didn't notice I was crying until I tasted the salty water on my lips. And that's when I broke down. I cried. Something I haven't done in a long time. I cried cause of my past that I can't seem to accept although I try to, I cried for the pain of my son growing up with no father and I cried cause I was tired, I was tired of the pain I was feeling. I curled myself up and hugged a pillow and I cried harder.

I woke up with a headache knowing it came from me crying earlier. I had cried myself to sleep, I checked the time and it read 21:45pm. I got off the bed grabbing my silk rob and left my room. I went to check on Christian, he was sound asleep when I walked in his room. I walked up to his sleeping form and looked at his peaceful, sleeping face and kissed his forehead and left his room.

Walking into the kitchen, I found a note on the table, next to it was my share of dinner and a container of pills and a empty glass with a bottle of water wait for me.

I took care of everything dear. Have something to eat and take some pills okay. I'm sure you'll feel much better. See you in the morning dear.
                                                              - Lillian xxx

I smiled at the notes, I took the food and heated it up. In the middle of me eating ,there was a knock on the door. Forcing myself to get up I head to the door. Swinging it open, my tummy flipped and erupted with butterflies as i looked at the person responsible for my sudden feeling of giddiness.

Ian Martins

And the giddy feeling was short lived.

"You look rather dashing" he said

"Really?" I say sounding rather dead and walking back to the kitchen to continue eating my meal. Ian followed behind after closing the door behind him.

"Only having dinner now?"

"Yeah, I wasn't in the mood to eat and I passed out"

"By crying yourself to sleep?, I can tell cause you have red, puffy eyes" he said

I most probably look hideous right now, but I couldn't be bothered.

"Are you okay?" he asked as I finish the last of my lasagna and took the dish to the sink.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said turning around and grabbing the container of pills, taking two pills in my hands and chucked it down with water. Ian came towards me and had a look of concern in his eyes.

"You sure?" He asked

"I'm fine" I said

"I'm here if you want to talk.

"Thanks, wanna watch a movie with me?" I asked, i needed something to do to take my mind off that question playing in my head.

"Anything to make you happy" he said

We ended up watching 'The longest ride' .We sat on the sofa with me by his side and a  blanket covering us. When the movie ended we spoke about random things, it was more like a getting to 'know you better' random.

I found out that Ian loves to workout hence the amazing body, he like kids actually hopes to have a family one day. He has a sister named Kylie and he's very close to his sister.

"You'll meet my family someday, i'm sure they'll love you especially my sister."

"I'd like to meet  them." I said with a smile.

Ian's POV

Michelle is an amazing woman who has creeped her way into my mind. I'll admit it, im attracted to her heck i like her.

When she opened the door after I knocked, I was met with her looking like she went to hell and back. She eyes were puffy and red and there were tear stains on her cheeks. I could tell she'd been crying.

What caused her this much pain for her to cry?  I thought to myself

After watching 'The longest ride' , I got to know Michelle better.

She loves to read and she adores children. She has an older brother named Greyson and she loves her family, and to my earlier discovery she loves to cuddle...a lot.

I have this need to protect her, and keep her safe. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

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