Chapter 2

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Michelle POV

"MOMMY!, MOMMY!, MOMMY!" I heard Christian say as i'm lying in bed, my bed room door opened with much needed force and there charging towards me is a very happy Christian.

I made a loud 'ouff '  when he landed on me. He is way to happy for someone that just woke up.

"Morning baby" I said to him sitting upright and put him properly on my lap and gave kisses all over is face

"That tickles mommy" he said while laughing and I stopped after giving him a big kiss on his forehead. I smiled as I looked at my son. He is truly a blessing in my life. When I was pregnant with him I was considering giving him up for adoption, I remember telling my mom that I did not want the baby.


I ran to my room after finding out that I'm pregnant. I got on my bed and cried.

' This can't be happening ' I told myself

"Michelle, Michelle honey can I come in?" My mom said on the other end of the door

I didn't reply to her question instead I just cried harder in my pillow. Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around me, I found my mom beside me with tears in her eyes.

"Mom..." I couldn't even finish the sentence.

"I know honey, I know" she said as the tears rolled down her face.

" I can't do this, I don't want this aby mom, I can't have this baby, I'm not ready for this...why is this happening to me?, what did I do to deserve this?" I said with blurry eyes.

" Michelle listen to me, as your mom I'm here for you okay, that night was not your fault okay. Even if you have this baby I will support you with anything , I'm here for you, dad and Greyson are here for you okay. We love you so much Michelle even if you decide to keep the baby. What ever you decided we'll support you."she said in the sweetest motherly tone.

"Mom is right Elle, we'll support you with any decision you make" I looked to towards the sound, it was my brother and beside him was my dad.

I sat in my mothers arms and cried.

End of flashback

I'm still staring at my son who is sitting on my lap, playing a game on my phone. Sometimes I wonder if he is affected by the fact that he has no dad in his life. I had this question playing in my mind from the first day I dropped him off at school and saw children with their dad's. Suddenly my phone rang, before I could take the phone in my hands, Christian answered the call with a smile on his face.

"Hi" he said excitedly.

"I'm good..."

"I miss seeing you too..." This made me curious to know who he's talking to so I ask him.

"Honey, who's on the phone? "

Instead of replying he laughed, and completely forgot about my question.

"Okay bye" he said before I took the phone from him and stared at him.

"Christian, who were you talking to?"

"My best friend" he replied

"Your best friend?, Christian I'm not play-" I was cut off by the door bell ringing and loud banging on the front door.

I looked at Christian and he jumped off me and waited for me to get off the bed. The banging didn't stop. Christian took hold of my hand and we made our way down the stairs. Christian let go of my hand as we reached the bottom of the stairs. He ran to the door before I could get to him, he opened the door and before me was the one person I have not seen in a while.

My brother Greyson.

"Hey sis, did you miss me?"

"Oh my god Greyson"

I jumped in his arms and hugged him. Its been two months since I saw my brother, he travels a lot because of the family business. Since he is the heir to take over the family company, they have projects in different countries so him being the ceo he has to go.

"I missed you so much, when did you get back?"

"Two days ago,I would have visited earlier but I needed to rest" he said.

"Uncle Grey!" Christian said coming from behind the door to hug my brother. Greyson carried Christian in his arms and started to tickled him. Christian and Greyson have a wonderful bond together and it makes me happy to know that Christian at least has a father like figure in his life.

"Your so big little man, have you been protecting mommy like I asked you to?" Grey asked him.

Christian nodded his head vigorously with a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes playfully at Greyson. My brother is turning my son into a personal bodyguard.

"Christian, it's breakfast time"

"Can I please have waffles and bacon mommy?"he asked

"Okay warffles and bacon it is then, you in Grey?"

"Now why would I pass up the opportunity were my loving sister makes me breakfast" he said with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him and made my way to the kitchen.


The rest of the day was fun, Greyson spent the day with us and we went out for lunch and want to the amusement park. Christian was constantly laughing which made me happy to know that he had a great time.

I put Christian in bed. Grey decided to stay and watch a movie with me, I missed my brother so much, we had a lot to catch up on.

"So...I am pretty sure its my turn to pick out a movie to watch on Netflix cause the last time I was forced to watch 'Me before you', I don't understand why you like that movie so much." Grey said rolling his eyes

"That movie is one of my favourite movies of all time. There's a beautiful story being told. I can watch it everyday if I had the time to." I said with a smile directed to him.

"I would never suvive a day with you, anyway since its my turn to choose, let's watch 'passengers' "


It's an hour into the movie and my mind is elsewhere. I have a lot on my mind right now. I can't help but think what my life would be like without my son, if that night never happened at all.

"Penny for your thoughts" Greyson said while taking me out of my thoughts.

"Its nothing...really" I said trying not to sound weak.

"Sure its nothing, I know that face, you make that face when something is bothering you." he said with concern written all over his face.

"I'm thinking of Christian,I can't help but wonder how he actually feels not having a father in his life,I tend to think that he is not happy." I said as my tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Why would you say that?"

"Have you seen the way Liam and Jayden are?, I would love Christian to experience the love of his father if I knew who he is. I always think he is not happy with just me in his life."

"Michelle listen to me, you're an amazing mom to Christian and I know for a fact that he loves you and he's happy your In his life whether he has a dad or not." He said and his words remind me of our dad."Don't beat yourself up about this, everything's okay."

"I love you Grey bear"

"I love you too Mash potato"

I chuckled at my nickname he gave me when we were kids and cuddled with brother as we tried to make sense of the movie again.

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