To my soon to be husband.

We've had many ups and downs in our lives that we overcame together. I can't wait to meet you at the end of the aisle as we seal our relationship by taking the next and final step. I honestly can't wait to make you my husband. Always know that i love you babe.

Just those words alone brought a smile to my face and made me love her even more than I already do. I truly can not wait to make her my wife.

I made James my best man,Jordan; Jayden amd Greyson are my groomsmen. Jordan's my cousin but I treat him like he is my little brother even though we don't see each other much.

"Its time to go" James said

"Alright lets do this"

Michelle's POV

My arm was linked with my dad's as we walked down the aisle. Butterflies erupted in my tummy as I approached Ian. He looked so handsome in his black tuxedo. He wore a smile on his face as I came closer to him. This is really happening, I'm getting married right now. We reach the alter and we stood before the pastor.

"You look breathtaking "Ian whispered in my ear.

"And you look dashing darling" I whispered back.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of god and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony." The pastor said.

"Who gives this bride to this groom in marriage?"

" I do" my father said and he took my right hand and placed it in Ian's left hand and he took his seat next to my mom.

"God reminds us thats at the beginning, the creator made us male and female and said, for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. God loves us and created us to love others. Our lives find completion only as we love and are loved in return. Together we can become what we could never be separately. Marriage is of god and today Ian and Michelle come desiring to be united in this sacred relationship."

"Please join hands." I gave my bouquet of flowers to Kristen and took hold of Ian's hands as I looked at him in the eyes.

"May the groom repeat after me, I; Ian Martins take you,Michelle Fields for my wedded wife."

"I, Ian Martins take you Michelle Fields for my wedded wife."

"To love and to cherish, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health till death do us part."

"To love and to cherish, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health till death do us part." Ian said smiling.

"May the bride repeat after me. I, Michelle Fields take you Ian Martins for my wedded husband."

"I ,Michelle Fields take you Ian Martins for my wedded husband."

"To love and to cherish, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health till death do us part."

"To love and to cherish, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health till death do us part." I smiled to him and squeezed his hands slightly.

"Therefore, should there be a reason these two should not be married in the sight of God, speak now or forever hold your peace." Everyone looked around to see who would object but no one did. The pastor continued.

"Can we have the rings please" The pastor asked and Christian came with the pillow that had our rings." You may exchange vows as you put the rings on each other." Ian took my ring and took my left hand.

"The first time I saw you, I said to myself: 'Wow, she's gorgeous'. I knew you would be mine. I had this feeling that told me to never let you go and to protect you. From this day forward, I promise to be by your side no matter what the situation is. I promise to love you unconditionally and make you happy. I will encourage you, trust you and respect you. I'll be a good father to Christian and Andrea and make sure that our home is filled with learning, laughter and compassion. I promise to work with you to foster and cherish a relationship of equality knowing that together we will build a life far better than either of us could imagine alone. Today I choose you to be my wife, I will share with you all of life's adversities and all of its joys from this day forward, and all the days of my life. I love you."

By the end of Ian's vow, I had tears running down my cheeks. Ian wiped away my tears with a smile on his face. I took Ian's ring and took hold of his left hand.

"I choose you, to stand by your side and sleep in your arms. To be joy to your heart and food for your soul. To learn with you and grow with you, even as time and life change us both. I promise to laugh with you in good times and struggle alongside you in bad times. I promise to respect you and cherish you as an individual, a partner and an equal, knowing that we do not complete but complement each other. I promise to love our family and be a good mother to Christian and Andrea. May we have many adventures and grow old together. I love you so much." I said and smiled at him.

"May the peace and the unconditional love of god surrounded you and remain with you now and forever. Ian you may now kiss the bride."

I could tell Ian was waiting for the pastor to say that because he picked me up and connected our lips together. Everyone cheered and clapped for us with big smiles on their faces.

"I present to you Mr.and Mrs. Martins."


Its sunset now, we had our reception outside and it looks stunning and beautifully decorated. The colours we used were gold and white with a touch of peach. There were lights hanging on the trees. Everything was perfect and felt magical. Ian and I had our first dance as a couple and we danced to Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran. People were dancing to music that played, some were laughing and mingling with each other.

"Let's dance mommy" Christian said as he took hold of my hand and directed me to the dance floor. I laughed as Christian danced around me,he's really a character. Ian was dancing with Andrea. Our baby girl is now one years old. Since she was born, Ian has become close to her. Andrea looks like me but her hair is black with a bit of brown highlights and she has hazel brown eyes. My two babys are absolutely gorgeous.

"Did I tell you how gorgeous you look?" Ian said standing In front of me with Andrea.

"You did but I'd like to hear it again"

"You look gorgeous darling, your absolutely stunning" he said

"And you look very sexy Mr. Martins" I said with a smirk. "And you look gorgeous my baby girl" I said holding Andrea In my arms. She smiled while showing her little teeth. Ian picked Christian up and tickled him a little.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you from today onwards Mrs. Martins" Ian said wrapping his free hand around my waist.

"Same here Mr. Martins, I love you."

"I love you too babe."

After everything that has happened in my life, I can finally say I'm truly happy. I have finally accepted my past and I'm willing to move on with the love of my life. After my relationship with Dean, I never thought I would find love. Being in toxic and abusive relationship made me feel worthless and insecure but Ian came into my life and changed me. I have not smiled this much in so long. I feel the burden of my past has been lifted of my shoulders and I can finally move forward. I love my life now and I wouldn't change a thing.


Michelle and Ian's journey has come to an end.😢😭
Thank you all so much for reading my book and giving it a shot, I truly appreciate it. This is the first book I've written and again thank you for trying it out.❤

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