Authors note

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Before I begin, I just thought I'd get the serious talk out of the way and hope that all of you will comply with the Copyright legislation and not copy any parts of my work nor take any ideas. 

Serious note aside 🙄, gotta be done, welcome all!!! I wanted to give a sneak peak of my book and apologise for the interruption 🤷‍♀️

I am excitedly awaiting feedback, especially when I see people are reading my book👓 Say helloooo, bonjour, anything to make your presence known to me!

I appreciate every comment, like or feedback on my work. I am trying as hard as I can to regularly update, even more so with it conveniently being the summer holidays! So make it known what you are thinking because I am hoping to constantly edit as well update!

Happppyyyy reading 🐣
//// psssttt I ain't done yet
So let me know whose team you are on, team Noah or team Vixen! ( in due time she will be called by her real name.) who will have the upper hand??

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