Chapter 1

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Noah's POV
Noah clung onto the long iron chain that held him from his freedom. His head kept on spinning and all he could remember was walking to Crispy's Pizza Parlour and then nothing. He kept thinking about what could have happened and yet he could not remember anything. What was in the damn food? He feared for his sister, Adeline, who was with him at the time. Was she safe? He narrowed his eyes and began formulating every plan of what he would do if so much as a hair was touched on her head. She was already fragile as it was and nobody was going to make her suffer anymore. Wait a minute, an image of her getting back in the car and him waving at her, flashed back to him. Thank the lord, it was time for her piano practice that made her go earlier home.

He kept pushing the bar against his arm in the hope that it would break, but his flesh was clinging onto the little gap, and he grunted with his mouth closed. He could not give them the satisfaction that he was in pain.

"I would stop that if I were you" said this little vixen, who made him completely stop in his tracks. Not that I was getting anywhere, he mused. He surveyed what she was wearing and the outfit made him believe that she was the kidnapper's mistress. She was wearing these expensive white pearls and a long green cut gown that framed her body perfectly. Finally, a way to get out, was through this harebrained blonde. He smiled at her with his teeth bared out and it was not a charming sight, if he did say so himself.

"Sweetheart, you should keep your mouth shut, because you never now, she may end up not liking you. And trust me, then you are as good as dead," she said with a laugh. Something is wrong with her and he could not help but, curl his lips in a sneer. She moved straight in front of him and stated unapologetically "I can get you out, but I was in the same place as you, and I do not ... intend to leave, ever." She said those words with a bored face on, yet her vivid green eyes spoke differently as though it was communicating something else entirely. Was she speaking to me or was I imagining this? I did not even know this girl yet, I was already intrigued by her mysterious eyes. But the problem is, I still had no clue what she wanted from me. Then she moved an inch closer, moving her arms across my chest, and I let out a breath. She appealed to me like no girl has ever before. Was she a witch? Because he was ready to play any trick that she wanted. Breath in, Noah, she is trying to fool you and is winning whatever game she is playing.

But then her eyes kept flickering, twice, to her arm and he gasped. She slammed her arm in his gut, which made him grunt. She narrowed her eyes at me and shouted "Guards, I do not want anyone to step into his room." Damn she was the most confusing chick I have ever met. She was hot, then frosty, all over again. He could not wait again to meet her in another setting, where she was not the one in charge. I do get ahead of myself, don't I?

It was as though one moment I was wondering how the hell I was getting out and then this angel was sent out to 'save' me. But is she an angel? I am no longer sure, maybe someone removed her wings. His fallen angel.  Something was wrong with him. It must be the drugs. He kept imagining the mark on her arm and it signifies that she was one of us, a guardian. And no guardian would let another fellow guardian fall in the lion's dungeon, even if you cannot stand their guts. The vow every guardian made to protect one and another is what let him indulge in some sleep.

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