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I find Kaysha in the Lab area. She's seems to just gotten an exam. As I approach her I can tell the tension. She doesn't know what I am approaching her for but she is damn sure about to fucking find out.

"Hey friend," I say putting on the fakest smile that I can.

She must think it's real because she actually smiles back at that moment.

"Oh my god. Hey."

"Figured we should have a talk. We haven't really talked much in a while," I let her know, "Things are so different. You know?"

She turns to me, "I thought you were mad?"

"Now why would I be mad?" I ask her.

I try to put on the fake smile. Kaysha smiles back. Her face is breaking out a little bit. It must be the hormones from pregnancy. She is definitely starting to show. Her little stomach is sticking out and it's clear that she's pregnant. I look her up and down. I can't believe I trusted her. I can't believe she was working with Bambi to trap Jax.

"I heard about what Pia did," Kaysha tells me, "Jax told me before he went off on her. Everyone on the ship is saying that she is really on a power trip. That's so fucked up man."

Kaysha smiles at me.

She's attempting to talk as if everything is the same. We are just old friends. We aren't old friends though. This bitch is sitting here pregnant with the man who I was in love with. She tricked him down this fucking road.

"You just can't trust bitches nowadays huh?" I ask looking her up and down.

If she does think, I am talking about her she doesn't show it. She smiles and leans up against the wall, "I know right. Man Pia is a bitch."

"And what animal are you?" I ask her.

"Excuse me?"

Her face wrinkles up. She's confused.

"Pia's a bitch...a female dog. Chyna is more like a sheep, needing someone to lead her. Jax is the mustang that everyone wants. And you know Bambi...she's a snake. So when Bambi came up to me and told me that you and her had a plan to trap Jax...I figured...why get mad at Bambi? She's a snake. That's what snakes do. So tell me Kaysha. What kind of animal are you?"

Kaysha looks at me. She has this blank look on her face. It's at that moment I realize what she is. She is a deer. Even though Bambi has her name...Kaysha is the deer. Kaysha is looking like a deer in headlights right now.

"I should leave...I had another physical coming up," Kaysha tells me.

She's running. She's trying to outrun me but it doesn't work. Before she gets even close to the entrance of the Lab we are in I stop her. I block the way so she can leave through the door and exit out of the module of the space station.

Kaysha stares at the white walls. She looks scared.

"I considered you a fucking friend and you played me like that."

"It wasn't my idea. It was Bambi's..."

"You went FUCKING through with it. And how pregnant are you. 4 months...maybe less? You guys were missing for over a year. I'm trying to figure out the math."

"Listen you don't know what happened on that space shuttle to Mars..."

I shrug, "And you won't tell me..."

"Things are more complicated then you know."

"You got pregnant! Bitch. What the fuck is so complicated about that?"

Semester in Space BxB (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now