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"You piece of shit! You fucking piece of shit! You snuck on this fucking space station!" I am screaming at Dre at that moment.

Dre doesn't think I am supposed to be reacting like that. I'm causing a scene. I'm acting ghetto. I know that I am but at this moment I am beyond pissed. I see Dre immediately getting a little upset. People are looking my way at that moment.


"Shh...oh now you want me to be quiet?"

Dre is sweating at this moment, "I'm sorry about trying to steal your ticket Mario. Honestly. I don't know what I was going through. You know this was my dream Mario. I wasn't thinking."

"It was both our dream. You fucking hurt me Dre. That's some fucked up shit."

I'm beyond pissed right now. I'm trying not to completely go off but I'm making a scene. Everyone is turning around in the auditorium right now. I can see members of the Dollhouse standing over there. They are laughing. I don't care at that moment though.

Dre shakes his head at that moment, "Mario...I'm sorry."

I want to believe him. Looking in his eyes a part of me actually does believe him. Dre is a Latino boy about 6'0". He has a huge blowout and he's always been a real handsome looking guy. He has these really light brown eyes that make him look distinct. He's always been one of those real handsome boys that just stuck to himself. We met because we were both interested in astronomy. He wanted to be an Astronaut. He figured he'd join NASA after college. That was his dream. The thing about his dream though is that we shared it.

Dre had done fucked up shit before but he'd always give me this look that made me just forgive him. He'd sink his brown eyes into me and all of a sudden I wouldn't care about any of the bullshit anymore. Right now I wondered if it is going to work but all I feel is anger instead.

"Man FUCK your apology!"

"Is there a problem here?" a voice says.

I turn at that moment to see Captain Mia LaPerla. The beautiful captain is standing there with her staff. I'm causing a scene so it is understandable that they would walk over and say something to me.

I look over at Dre. He's looking at me hoping that I won't rat his ass out for sneaking on board. I should rat him out though. I should let her know.

But then I look at Jae Jae. If I rat out Dre they'll want to know how he got on board. Me ratting out Dre would be me ratting out Jae Jae as well.

I can see Jae Jae sweating at this moment slowly shaking his head no in the background.

"No..." I say looking Dre dead in my eyes, "No problem."

I can't concentrate. This trip has turned completely around. It sickens me to my stomach to know that Dre is on the boat. I just can't stand it.

The first day of classes is me just sitting around steaming. By lunch time we are all gathered in the cafeteria. The Cafeteria on the Exodus is definitely cool. All the food has some sort of space theme going on with them. The steaks are cut into the shapes of the moon. The fruit bar is arranged on a star table. I should be really getting into everything but I'm not. I barely even notice the roof of the cafeteria that is outlined in stars. I haven't even eaten and I'm barely listening as Kaysha is discussing her experiences in her classes.

"Mario you listening?" Kaysha asks me.

I wasn't paying attention. I was looking around the room trying to see if I could spot Dre. When I do spot him I realize that he's sitting by himself in the corner of the room. He's always been like that. He's a loner. I was his only real friend. A part of me feels bad at that moment but then a flashback of him grabbing my ticket out of my hand comes into my mind. All of a sudden I'm back to being pissed off again. I can't believe I trusted him and I'm sure I'm not going to trust him again.

Semester in Space BxB (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now