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It's a strange sight to see a grown man cry. It's a strange sight when it's someone you care about. I didn't think I could bring him to this. I didn't think anyone could bring him to this. Here I am looking back at what I'd just done.

And Jax is in tears. Jax is breaking down right in front of us. At first it starts off as a slow quiet sob and then I think he realizes that he's crying in front of everyone.

Then he's just breathing heavy attempting to stay strong. Attempting not to break down.

Greg shakes his head, "Damn...what a fucking slut."

"Yo shut the fuck up Greg," Kaysha responds, "This has to be some sort of joke. Right. Mario tell them it's some sort of joke."

I look over at Kaysha.

"I'm dead serious."

Greg shakes his head at that moment and stares over at Jax, "I told you not trust him. Didn't I tell you that? Didn't I warn you?"

I could care less about what Greg is saying at this moment. Greg doesn't matter. Across the room is Jax. His heart has been broken. I've never seen him look like this before. All of a sudden he's breathing so heavy that he looks like he is going to have a mental break down.

Bambi reaches over to him, "Jax..."

"Don't touch me!" Jax screams out at that moment, "Filthy. I mean...too many germs. There are way too many germs around here! I have to go back to my room. It's disgusting in here."

Pia laughs at that moment, "Gay and you have OCD...wow. You're all kinds of fucked up aren't you?"

Jax doesn't stick around to defend himself. He starts walking away. I can see his eyes are blood shot red. He leaves carefully but quickly trying not to touch anything or anyone.

I don't get it. I mean I know that I hurt him but all of a sudden his OCD just went into hyper drive. Not too long ago he was laying on the floor with me saying that he was getting over it.

Greg looks over at me, "How the FUCK could you do this to my best friend?"

"You fake ass motherfucker don't sit here and pretend like you didn't know----"

Before I can get it out Greg charges at me. It's clear what he's trying to do! He's trying to hide the fact that he was the one who brought me over to Pia! Greg manages to get to me. I'm not expecting it! He sneaks a quick punch straight to my eye. The blow pops me dead in my eye and I find myself falling backwards off the railing. I'm shocked by it at that moment.

Chaos completely breaks through at that moment as I hear Dre say something to Greg. At first I'm not sure what he's saying but when I attempt to get up I hear it.

"Motherfucker---you want to hit my man!"

His man? Dre was claiming me in public?

I am shocked by this. I'm even more shocked when Dre is fighting Greg. I mean Dre has always been somewhat of a fighter but it's clear that there is something about me that makes him go to blows so quickly. He's sitting there rolling around the floor fighting with Greg. The two are pummeling each other on the floor as people try to break them up. Everything is being thrown everywhere.

I'm even more surprised that Dre is actually winning this fight. He's beating THE living SHIT out of Greg.

As if that wasn't enough a SECOND fight breaks out.

This one is Pia and Bambi of course.

I watch as Bambi comes out of no where and grabs Pia's hair, "BITCH THIS IS YOU! THIS IS ALL YOU!"

Semester in Space BxB (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now