Chapter 16: A Night of Mysteries

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"Where's the fucking house?" Sebastian stopped in his tracks and put his hand to his forehead before rubbing his temples. "Jesus christ if I'm out here with you idiots for much longer I'm going to go clinically insane."

"I'm not even saying anything, you're the one with your panties in a twist." Carson scoffed while playing with the leaf in his hand.

"Don't say that." I shuddered at the thought of that word and rubbed the goosebumps off my arms.

"What?" He looked back squinting to see me better.

"Don't say the other word for underwear."


"Yes don't say that!" I pushed him and cringed at the sound of that awful word.

"Oh my little brother doesn't like the word 'cushion,' he says it's like a punch to the gut every time someone says it." Mickey plastered a smile at the thought of his brother but his expression faltered after a few moments. "I kinda miss him."

"I'm pretty sure everyone is a little homesick every once and a while." Austin claimed as he patted Mickey on his back.

"I'm not." Carson scoffed and we all looked at him with confusion.

"Don't say that Carson..." Sebastian's face filled with sympathy and I felt as if a horse shoe had completely been thrown over me.

What am I missing here?

"Why? It's true. My family's a shit mess and the only people I actually like are Gabby and my Grandma." He kicked one of the rocks in front of us and ran his fingers through his hair. "What are you guys staring at? Go find the stupid house."

The boys all put their hands up in surrender and turned back around to continue the trial, I kept my eyes locked on Carson.

I keep having these moments where I saw him in completely different light, as if the person I thought I'd known was actually a different person all along.

But then again, we never really talk about ourselves either.

I didn't really know Carson.

I no longer just saw a happy asshole who loves girls and soccer, I no longer saw the dimple he wore so often around me. I saw someone who was tired and had worry lines and someone who cared about his little sister and acted like it was nothing.

Who even was Carson Parker?

"Honestly Bree I already feel shitty enough with staying up all night and dealing with my sister, plus with what happened at the creek. I just... I really don't need you pestering me with questions when you don't even answer mine." He turned away from me and continued on the trial leaving a confused girl behind him.

"Guys you know what I just realized!" Austin yelled, breaking my overwhelming train of thought.

"That if we die out here it's gonna be because bears could hear you screaming?" Sebastian said plastering the fakest smile I'd ever seen in my life.

"You know what forget it! I'm just trying to brighten the mood, but it's obvious that there's just some evil satan ora that follows you and your tiny dick around and leaves you in a pissy mood all the time. I'm literally the only in our group that is happy and honestly it's kinda pissing me off!" Austin threw his hands in the air and stomped his foot on the ground assertively.

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