Chapter 15: Whiplash

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•••Sunday night- 11:34•••

These past two days have been a serious of unfortunate events.

I felt like I had just gave my mom a bad report card, not even a bad one, a horrendous report card. In fact this report card was actually made of fire and I, being the irresponsible piece of shiitake mushroom that I am, decided to give this to my sweet innocent mother.

That's how shitty I felt.

I was infuriated with myself, mad at Carson, mad at Hilary, mad at Sebastian.

I was mad at the world.

I squirmed in my sleeping bag, trying my best to fall asleep. Every time I was about to doze off an image of Carson or the stupid group of teenagers staring at me filled my brain.

Why did I agree to this stupid activity?

Now I was surrounded by a bunch of stupid teenagers because I decided that joining these people would be "nice and exciting thing to do. I would be be taking part of the summer experience!"

Summer experience my ass.

I decided enough was enough, I felt like I was practically drowning in the thick sleeping bag and hot weather. I got up and dusted myself off before looking around at the group of bodies on the floor.

That doesn't sound creepy at all.

I carefully made my way past the bunches of people and through the pathway leading to the lake creek thingy, usually about a situation like this I would take out my phone and turn the flash light on to be precautious.

A phone? Never heard of it.

It was becoming increasingly annoying how okay I was with not having a phone for this long, it wasn't like I was addicted to it or anything. I got on there mostly to watch netflix and call people, but not having it weigh down my back pocket almost made me feel naked.

I was kinda homesick now.

This was probably the longest I had ever stayed away from home, not counting the vacations back when Dad was still around. I had the occasional sleepovers with Dana but never anything to big. And that was completely besides the week Shane made me go with him and his smoker friends to California for the weekend where I ended up having to sleep outside the hotel room in the hallway because he thought it was funny locking me out.

God I hate him so much.

My steps seemed to slow down the closer I neared the lake, the thoughts of everything that has happened the past weekend racing around my head like a torpedo.

Why did I say yes?

2 days ago...

"I'm so happy you decided to come!" Austin said after noticing me walk up to him and Sebastian, he ran up and gave me a huge hug almost sending me tumbling on the floor.

"Okay now, calm down I'm not promising you world peace or anything." I laughed, hugging him back.

"Like you could give us world peace." Sebastian scoffed, I punched his shoulder and you could see the slight smile behind his bored expression.

And what else could you ask for besides that.

I mean I could ask for World Peace but...

"Where's Carson?" I said looking around at all the counselors chatting away with their backpacks and sleeping bags tied around them.

"He's over there with his sister, he's been talking to her all morning. Apparently she had a really bad dream or something." Austin said giving sympathetic look to Carson and Gabby who were talking in the distance. Carson's face was filled with concern and you could see bags around his eyes.

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