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This will be the end of the book I know sad sad but before we start I'd like to tell all of you who read this thank you.

"Do you take Caitlyn Angel Curtis to be your wife?"

"I do" he smiled.

"Do you take Dallas Tucker Winston to be your husband?"

"I do" I smiled.

"Then by the power vested in me by the state of Oklahoma, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride"

Dallas cupped my face with one hand and wrapped his other around my waist pulling me close and kissed me. It was perfect. I pulled away from the kiss and looked down at my stomach holding our child who we expected next month.

And to no surprise the month on September 26th, 1965 Alexis Jade Winston was brought into the world. Exactly one month after my birthday August 26th which also happened to be the same date my name changed from Caitlyn Angel Curtis to Caitlyn Angel Winston. I honestly couldn't have wished for more.

2 years later Lexi is now two and everyone in the gang got married. Even Lannan. He found a girl named Brooklyn not long after my wedding. They got married a year after. To our surprise, Jessica turned out to also be gay and ended up marrying Brigit and it really made her happy. (MrsJohnnyboySanders)

Now we have our own little gang. Three from Darry, two from Soda, one from Pony, two from Johnny, four from Two, three from Lannan, Steve being Steve ended up with six kids, two from Connor, three from Drew, three from Kyle, two from Brigit and Dal and I. Well we ended up with four. Two girls and two boys.

Now that I'm sitting here with my family I sit here and realize all of this happened because Liam decided to be the ass he is and kidnapped me. If anything he made my relationship with Dallas grow and also he's serving life in prison for the attempted murder of Lannan and Dallas plus the rape and kidnapping. I realize even after my parent's death I never needed to leave because here I realized I didn't need to get away I need Dallas and well let's just say...

We Need Each Other.

The End

Also please follow these people because they played some of the characters in this book. You people are amazing!
Stay Gold!

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