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I was woken up by the sudden feeling of someone hitting me with pillows.

"Who the fuck is hitting me!" I barked and opened my eyes to see Dally, Eve, Soda, Lannan, and Darry hitting me.

"Why?!" I yelled turning to try to get some sleep.

"Lynn get your lazy butt up! We have school today" Eve said and I groaned.

"Dal, do you go?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Hell no," he said and I groaned.

"Who does then?" I asked.

"Pony, Two, Lannan, Johnny, and Kyle, Drew, Connor, and Steve" Darry replied and I nodded.

"Great I have to deal with a British," I said and he acted offended.

"I'm offended!" he said dramatically and I hit his arm and he chuckled.

"All of you get out so I can get dressed," I said and they all left. Except for Dally.

"Dallas leave," I said pointing to the door.

"Why? I've seen you naked before" he said confused.

"Pig," I said rolling my eyes and walked into my closet to change. I came out and Dally couldn't keep his hands off me. I was wearing a white cropped top and skirt.

"You look hot," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop it Dallas," I said walking away. Out of nowhere, he slapped my ass so I slapped his face. Eve was the only girl here since Darry was at work and Pony went with Yanelie. She saw and started laughing her ass off.

"Nice one Lynn" she laughed and Soda chuckled.

It was Dallas, Lannan, and I in the back while Soda and Eve were at the front. It was boring because Soda was the driver. He was reckless but careful on the road.

We arrived at school and I quickly kissed Dallas and left. It was just Lannan, Eve, and I for now. We walked in and I saw a girl with red hair walk up to me. She was a Soc.

"Oh my God! It's Lynn!" she said smiling.

"Hey Sherri," I said putting on a fake smile. I never liked her. She was a major whore.

Soon the gang came up to us and we walked to our first class. Eve, Lannan, Sam, Johnny, Pony, Yanelie, and I had English first while Laila, Kyle, Drew, Connor, Sophi, and Leeann had Math and Jessica, Brigit, Two, Tori, and Steve had Social Studies. It was a boring day of introducing and crap but mostly since Dal wasn't here I just messed around with Lannan.

"Hey British" I whispered while smirking.

"Really Lynn? We're in class" he said rolling his eyes.

"Hey sweetheart, we both know you and I are good at English," I said chuckling a little.

"Hey love, no one calls me sweetheart," he said raising a brow causing me to chuckle.

"Is there something you'd like to share?" the teacher asked and everyone started laughing.

"No mate, Lynn here just wanted to know where the cafeteria was," Lannan said covering for me.

"Next time Miss. Curtis ask after class" he said and I nodded.

"Thanks" I chuckled and he nodded.

"Anytime love"

After class, it was time for lunch and we all walked down together. After we got our food we sat down and Eve started laughing.

We Need Each Other [Dallas Winston]Where stories live. Discover now