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I woke up in Dally's arms just in my underwear and bra. I looked at Dally sleeping peacefully and I kissed his neck smiling.

"Morning," he said and I smiled.

"Morning" I replied and he chuckled.

"Your brothers are gonna kill me," he said and I chuckled then realized I never told them where I was at.

"Shit" I mumbled and he looked confused.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I forgot to tell Darry where I was at. He's gonna kill me" I said getting up and got dressed.

"Hey, he'll be fine with it as long as you're with me I'm sure," he said and I glared at him.

"We just had fucking sex and you think Darry's gonna be okay with that?!" I yelled and he threw his hands up in defense.

"How are you so flexible?" he asked suddenly.

"I'm a dancer you dummy," I said and once I got dressed I ran down the stairs.

He caught up to me and was also dressed.

"Let me walk you at least," he said and I sighed.

"Fine," I said and we walked out of Bucks and headed to my place.

When we arrived I walked in to see Soda and Pony on the couch along with the gang.

"Is Dar home?" I asked hesitantly and Soda shook his head.

"Got called in but said to yell at you when you get back," he said and I groaned.

"He found out I wasn't home..." I said and he nodded.

"You're in deep trouble. Where were you anyway?" he asked and I looked at Dally and he nodded.

"Spent the night? Eh Dar should be okay with that" he said with a shrug and I saw Lannan chuckle.

When no one was looking he pointing to his neck and I raised my fingers to my neck and felt a hickey. Shit.

"Dallas you left a hickey!" I whispered to him and he smirked.

"So," he said and I rolled my eyes.

Soon we were just watching Mickey when Two being himself decided to point the hickey out.

"Hey! It looks like Dally got some last night" he said pointing to me and laughed.

Soda looked at me and I startled blushing. He moved my hair from my face and saw the hickey.

"Woah! That's huge!" Tori said and I flipped her off.

"Dallas!" he yelled and he came out from the kitchen and Soda ran after him.

"I'm gonna kill you!" he yelled and ran after him.

"Run" I mouthed and he ran outside and around the house.

Just my luck Darry walked in seeing the hickey.

"Where is he" he growled and Pony pointed outside.

"Soda's getting him right now," he said looking at his book and Darry ran out chasing Dallas too.

Lannan walked over and sat next to me.

"Wanna go help love?" he asked and I nodded. We left the house and helped Dallas get away from my crazy ass brothers.

I was running from Soda when I saw Darry coming towards me.

"Shit" I grumbled and he and Soda tackled me and he punched me.

"Don't ever touch my sister like that again!" he yelled punching me.

Soon Lynn and Lannan walked out and he grabbed Darry while she grabbed Soda.

"Look calm down. Lynn is old enough to know what she should and shouldn't do. Did you use a condom?" Lannan asked and Lynn's nose scrunched.

"Answer the fucking question!" Darry yelled and she nodded.

"YES WE DID!" she yelled and he sighed.

"Good but still you're not off the hook," Soda said and Darry agreed.

We walked inside and she came over with a cloth and some supplies.

"I'm sorry," she said kissing my head smiling a little.

"It's okay. It's my fault" I said and she chuckled.

The rest of the day we spent at the Curtis place cuddling or watching Mickey. Lynn being herself she ended up sleeping on my lap earning glares from her brothers but I didn't care. This girl was changing me and I liked it.

Well here's another shitty chapter that I hope you liked. Stay Gold!

We Need Each Other [Dallas Winston]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang