T H I R T Y - T W O

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Pregnate...it said I was pregnant.

I walked out and showed O. She smiled and hugged me.

"Congratulations!" she said happily and I nodded.

I walked away and went into my room and cried. Why did this happen? The one time we don't use a damn condom is the time I get pregnant....great...I'm happy don't get me wrong but...now the baby won't have a father...just great.

There was a knock and I opened it. It was O, Soda, Lannan, and Eve.

"So pregnant huh?" Eve said and I nodded.

We all sat there in silence before Soda broke it.

"You should tell Dal...tonight...we can all go walk around with the gang and you can tell Dally and then the others," he said and I nodded.

We exited my room and went into the living room to see the gang.

"Do you all wanna go for a walk tonight?" I asked and they all looked at each other.

They all agreed.

"Great we'll go in an hour or whatever," I said and they nodded.

I walked over to Dally and sat on his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and kissed his neck.

"Dally, can I ask you something?" I said quietly and he nodded.

"Why don't you like kids?" I asked and he sighed.

"I don't like em. I just don't. They're messy and annoying" he grumbled and I nodded.

"What if I told you I wanted a kid," I said quietly and he froze.


"Are you?" he questioned and I shook my head. I didn't want to tell him. Not yet.

"Why ask then?"

"Well I just wanted to know would you love me enough and stay?" I asked and he didn't respond so I left it alone.

About a few hours later it was 5 pm. The gang stood up and I ran over to my room to change. I quickly threw on blue jean shorts and a striped cropped long sleeve. I threw my hair in a high ponytail and walked out. Dally put a hand on my ass and we walked out.

We were walking along the sidewalk roaming around when I leaned closer to Dally.

"Dallas...I need to tell you something..." I said quietly.

"What?" he asked. I could tell he was nervous.

"I uh...Dallas I'm" I started but everything went black.

I woke up and my head hurt like hell. I looked around and saw I was at Bucks in Dally's room.

"Dallas?" I spoke. Shit...I didn't drink did I?! I started to panic when someone's lips met mines but the thing is they weren't Dally's.

I tried pushing the person away but my hands were tied. I moved my head and opened my eyes to see Liam.

"Hey babe," he said and his hand trailed up my shirt but stopped.

"Are you pregnant?" he asked and I froze. How did he know?


"Because. I'm not gonna hurt you if you're pregnant" he said and I nodded.

"I am," I said and he nodded untying me and led me downstairs.

When we got downstairs I saw the gang tied up and in the middle was a chair with a gun.

We Need Each Other [Dallas Winston]Where stories live. Discover now