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It's been a week since the rumble and me being me was still at Lannan's hip making sure he didn't get hurt.

"Lynn, I don't need your help," he said with a hint of annoyance.

"Why not?" I asked tilting my head.

"I'm fine and Dal seems jealous," he said and I saw Dally sitting on the couch watching tv.

"I'm such an idiot," I said and walked over to him.

I sat on his lap and kissed him.

"Hey, I'm sorry I haven't hung out with you," I said sadly.

"It's fine" he lied.

"No, it's not," I said turning to face him.

"Lynn I said I'm fine" he lied again.

"Please don't lie. I'm sorry" I said laying my head on his shoulders.

"Lynn I already said I'm fine now get off me," he said picking me up and setting me on the couch. He got up and started walking out the door.

"Dallas!" I yelled running after him but Darry stopped me.

"Let him go," he said and I pushed him running away to Dally.

Once I caught up to him I started walking with him silently. I looked up a little and saw he was upset. I looked down and couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Dallas, do you wanna break up?" I asked quietly while looking down at the ground.

"What?!" he yelled and I jumped.

"I asked if you wanted to break up," I said messing with the hem of my shirt still looking down. I wasn't afraid of him I was afraid to look at him to see the anger on his face.

I was upset with Lynn and Lannan. Yeah, they're best friends whatever but she's mine. A part of me was mad at her but Lannan more. I don't know why. I have never felt this before and each second she stood there that feeling grew. I saw her glance up at me but didn't care to look down well, didn't want to. After a while, she asked if I wanna break up with her. What is wrong with this girl?

"I asked if you wanted to break up," she asked again

Suddenly that anger or whatever it was slowly disappeared. I knew she felt guilty but she did nothing wrong. I looked at her and she seemed to be scared. She was messing with her shirt and looking down. I tilted her head up to look at me and she started crying. I couldn't tell you why either.

"Do you wanna break up with me?" I asked and she cried more.

"No" she squeaked out.

"Neither do I," I said and she smiled but still cried.

"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry Dally" she started to say while crying.

I wiped her tears from her face and smiled at her. Genuinely smiled.

"It's okay Angel," I said and kissed her. She pulled away and hugged me.

"I love you Dallas," she said while resting her arms and head on my shoulders. I didn't know what to say.

"Angel, you know how I feel about that," I said and her face fell.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said and pulled away from me walking away.

"Come on, let's go hang out at Bucks," I said grabbing her hand.

"Okay," she said and we walked to Bucks together but silently.

Once we got to Bucks we went to his room and he pushed me against the wall kissing me.

"You're mine you understand that?" Dal growled and I nodded smirking.

He started to kiss down my neck biting lightly until he stopped.

"Why'd you stop?" I pouted.

"I don't wanna rush you"

"What happened to Dallas Winston gets what he wants?" I teased and he chuckled.

"You're different," he said and I smiled kissing him.

"Keep going" I whispered into his ear and he smirked and kissed my neck again. Soon we were both on the bed having some fun.

Well there's another crappy chapter. Hoped you liked it and Stay Gold!

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