Moving Houses. And Stacy.

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Jason's P.O.V

We herd knocking on the door. I opened the door and Olivia came running inside. "Slow down. What's wrong?" Ty asked and went up to her. "T-they are coming. They are coming to get us!" she yelled.

"Who is coming?" Adam asked. "Scientist! They know about us!" we all looked at each other and with no warning the door was knocked over. Olivia, Karla, Adam, Ty, Seto, and I where tackled to the floor.

"Check upstairs!" someone yelled and I started to panic. "Ow! Stop it! Your hurting me!" Olivia and Karla yelled. And I could tell. Ty and Adam where pissed. Ty's eyes turned purple and Adams eyes glowed.

The others where being held down by the people to. Adam and Ty knocked off the people that where holding them and did the same to us to. "Don't hurt her!" Ty yelled and grabbed Olivia. I guess he likes her.

Seto and I herd a scream coming from upstairs and we run only to see Marisol being held up and being zapped over and over. "Jason!!" When Seto and I herd that we ran up to them and beat the crap out of them.

Seto picked Marisol up and we went downstairs. "I tried to fight back." he said and from the tone in her voice I could tell she was hurt. "You and Olivia are still going to school but Seto, Ty, and I are going with you tomorrow... We just need somewhere to stay..." I said to the girls. (Olivia and Marisol)

"We would stay in the tree house." Jerome said and pointed to the back where the forest was. "Yeah... come on we have to go now." and we all ran upstairs to get our things packed.

>time skip to going to sleep<

We where in the tree house and when we got there we went strait to bed. But Seto and I needed to do something... While everyone was asleep Seto put a spell on them so they could not feel pain.

Then we put a chip in everyone. Including ourselves to. Then that is when we went to bed.

>Next morning<

Marisol and Olivia woke us (Ty, Seto, and Jason) up and we got ready. They where ready so The girls where waiting on us. When we where all ready we went to the school.

"So. Seto, Ty and I will tell them why we are going with you to school. And the reason is because we just want to see how you are doing. But really is because well... what happened yesterday." Ty said and looked at me.

Marisol and Olivia just nodded. When we arrived to the school the put up their hood and we all walked in. "Jason wait. Let me go to my locker." and she ran off. "I'll take you guys to the office." Olivia said and she took us to the office.

Marisol's P.O.V (it's short.)

I walked to my locker and when I opened it. Stacy closed it on my fingers and she covered my mouth before I could scream. "Don't scream." she said and dragged me to the restroom and slammed me against the wall.

She did it over and over until she knocked the breath out of me and she let me fall to the floor then her friends came in and helped her beat the crap out of me. Then she took out a pair of scissors. "Cover her mouth." she said and one covered my mouth and 4 of them held me.

"This is what happens when your better that me." she whispered in my ear and stabbed me in the arm and dragged it down both of my arms. I bit the persons hand and let out the scream of pain.

When she took the scissors out of my arms and stabbed my stomach. they let me go and walked out. "Oh. And if you tell anyone. I have more friends to help me. And we won't be this easy the next time." Stacy said and walked out the door laughing and hid the scissors in her purse.

My vision started to go blurry and then Olivia came running inside and dragged me out. The last thing I saw was... Jason, Seto, Ty, Karla, and Olivia. Screaming my name. And saw Stacy smiling and walking away. Then I blacked out before I could say anything.


Me: Karla? How did you get to the school?

Karla: How am I suppose to know. You typed it out.

Me: Oh yeah. Ops. Well you shall find out next chapter!!

Jason: And when will that be uploaded? 3 weeks later?

Me: No... Maybe tomorrow? Don't ask me questions! *runs out room screaming*

Jason: Uh... Karla? *looks at Karla*

Karla: *looks at Jason* Don't look at me. You asked her the question not me.


Anyways thank you for reading my so called book and I like Wolfs! See you Wolfs later. IM OUT!!!


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