What happend?!

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Seto's P.O.V

They could of knocked but NO they had to come in and scare the shit out of me! I thought it was a person who was hunting me down but... They all think I'm dead. That's good for me not them.

"So you want to get ride of your demon Ty?" I said still wondering how it got in him in the first place. Bur he did not want to talk about it so I'm ok with that. "Yea you think you can Seto?" Ty said. "Oh I know I can get ride of it I got ride if Withermu right? So I can get ride of Enderlox."

"Ok here we go." Ty said before he drank the potion "Is he suppose to get dizzy Seto?" Jason said. "Yea that means that it is working he is going back to hell where he came from."I said. "Ok he is ok." I said

"Ty Enderlox is gone your free like Jason." I said again. Wow I need to stop talking. "Really?! He is! Forever Seto! Your telling the truth!" Ty said. "Yes, yes, yes, and yes now you can go home. You will never have to worry about him again."

"Thanks Seto but one problem. We don't know how to get back home. We where just lucky we ended up here." he said embarrassed.

"Haha, I don't blame you I mean you are in the middle of the forest are you not?" "Yea..." Jason said. "Well come on let me lead you out then."

Adam's P.O.V (sorry but it is short)

We where just all sitting home watching Tv and then we herd Marisol scream. "ADAM, MITCH, JEROME, ANYONE HELP ME!!!" we all ran up there and we saw Marisol with someone with a gun pointed to her head!

"One step closer and she will be taking a nap... FOREVER!!!" the stranger said. "Help me please." Marisol mouthed to all of us. "W-what do you want with her just leave her alone! She is only 13!"

Mitch P.O.V

Since me, Jerome and Ian where in the back we made a plan just the three of us. Jerome would clime the tree in the back and aim a arrow right for his head. Ian will be killing the ones that are outside in the back, and I will be stalling until Jerome is ready.

Pretty good plan if I do say so myself.

I got my bow and pretended to aim for him. "Hey why don't you let the girl go and we can forget this happened." "Ha, you think I am going to let her go just like that?! Well you must be wrong!" He said pushing Marisol and him a little more back.

"Well give me one good reason why you should take her life away, huh?" "Because her brother ruined my life! He took something from me, I take something from him that he loves more that anything or anyone in this house." He said going a little more to the back.

"Why don't you scoot closer to me. Yea that's a good idea." I said calm. "Are you crazy I would never do that!" he said back to me "Ok have it your way then. Goodbye mister no-name." I said "What do you-" "JEROME NOW RELEASE THE ARROW!!" "Ok Mitch!"

Jerome said.

Jerome let go of the arrow and just as I said went into his head and let go of Marisol.She ran to me and hugged me and did not let go. She started to cry in my t-shirt. I did not mind she has gone through a lot of things in her life.

"Shh, it's ok they are gone now. Your ok." I said trying to calm her down."I-I-I was so scared I thought I would die! Thank you!"

Ian's P.O.V (short sorry)

There where to many people! "Jerome there are too many people they all want Marisol! Get her to safety now!"

I screamed at Jerome. "Yea ok!" then he jumped into the window. I climbed up the tree and did the same.

"Mitch there are too many people they all want Marisol we need to get her too-" "MITCH WATCH OUT!!" Jerome screamed but it was too late. "Ahhhhh!!!" Mitch screamed as he was shot on the side with a arrow.

"Marisol run! Jason, Ty, and maybe Seto are in the forest! Go now we will hold them off!" I yelled to her as she climbed down the tree. I saw her run in the Forrest.

Marisol's P.O.V

I ran as fast as I could. Faster than ever before. Then I looked behind me to see a guy chasing me and it was not one of the people that I know. It was a person trying to kill me!

I tried to loose him by doing unexpected turns but no hope. Then I lost him for a while and climbed up a tree. After about 10 minutes I climbed down only to see him behind me.

"I have you now!" he said "I don't think so!" I yelled back and tripped him with my foot as he ran to me. I laughed and started to run again. I fell down a little hill and scratched my self up and opened my old ones.

"Oww! that fucking hurt!" I said. But I pushed through it and started to run again but I started to loose blood and fast because I was running and put pressure in it.

I fell because I was drained of my energy. I thought I would black out but I didn't. I started to back up against a tree. The person followed me non stop!

"I have you now you little brat!" He came closer to me and that is when I started to black out. Then someone stood in front of me protecting me. I had enough energy to say, "Jason, Ty, Seto..." the last thing I herd was Jason's voice saying,"Its ok we have you now your safe..." And it went black.


What the fuck did I just write?

Mitch: I don't know but I got shot in the side with an arrow. Writer why you do dis to me!

Me: oh god not this again.

Ty: I am afraid this is happening again.

Seto: Marisol have you seen my- oh sorry did not know you where ending it.

Mitch: She was until I came.

Ty: Me to.

Me: Oh god can I please finish! Oh and Seto your book is on the table.

Seto: Thanks but, how did you know?


*everyone leaves*

Ok so thanks guys for reading my so called book. And thanks to people who read my books too. Anyways thanks Wolfs see you later. IM OUT!!!


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