Showing myself.

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Olivia's P.O.V

I never thought there was someone like me. I thought I was the only one like this. "Hey. Do you want to come to my house. Then I can show you what I am. Just let me ask my brother."

Then Marisol ran to her brother and I saw J-Jason?! She came back and said that I can come. "Ok. But your Jason's sister?!" "Yeah. Come on let's go!"

Then we followed Jason to the house walking. When we got there she said it was ok to show who I really am. "Cool! Your part cat! I love cats!" I knew who's voice that was.

"T-thanks." then I saw Ty come down the stairs and he came over to me and touched my ears. "Aww. Their so cute!" then I blushed and said thanks.

"So Marisol? What part are you?" I asked and she showed me. "Cool. Your part Wolf!" "Yeah but that's not all." Then her eyes turned purple and she did magic too!

"Wow! You are two things put in one!" then her eyes turned blue? "One question why do your eye color change every time you do something different?" "What do you mean?" she said then she looked over to everyone.

"Well when you showed me your part wolf your eyes went red then when you did the magic your eyes went purple. Then you stopped and your eyes when blue. Did you know about this Marisol?" I asked and she said no.

"Well I have to go home. See you tomorrow Marisol!" then with that I left and put my hood and contacts on. Then ran home.

Marisol's P.O.V

Well... that was weird. "Hey Marisol. We are going to the Arcade. You want to come?" "No. I'll stay here Jason." I said then they went out and said that Karla was here to.

So I went to the tv before I started my homework. I was switching through the channels. Then as I passed one it said a hybrid Wolf has escaped.

"As you know the hybrid Wolf has escaped the lab and the police and the scientist are doing all they can to get the girl that goes by Karla back."

Then a picture of Karla showed up on the Tv and it was her. I paused the Tv. "K-Karla? Can you c-come here." "Sure. What's up?" then I pointed to the Tv and she froze.

"No. It can't be..."


Ok... So hi...

Anyways thank you for reading my so called book and thanks for 1k readers! See you Wolf later.

I'm out.


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