The drawing

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Jason's P.O.V

I woke up and found Marisol was not on my side. I started to get nervous because both of us are in danger.

I stopped down stairs because she was there. "Oh. There you are Marisol, I woke up and you were not there." "Because you pushed me off the bed so Seto let me sleep in his room." she said. "W-what?!"

"Don't worry he let me sleep on the bed and he slept on the floor." while keeping her eyes on a paper she was drawing on."Ok. He did not touch you?" "JASON!" she yelled to me and pushed me off the chair.

"Ow! That hurt Marisol!" Note to self don't do that again Jason. "I just woke up early to tell you that we are going to put you into a school." "Eww school." she said and stopped drawing. "You have to it is a law not a choice."

"Well what do you want to do?" she said."Can I see your drawing?" "Sure." then she gives me her drawing. Wow it had so much detail on it. Wait that is a little girl and a boy that is older than her. They where holding hands.

I thought to myself 'Is this us?'

"Look this is you and me i am the little girl and you are the boy that is holding my hand. it was when I first walked into the house with you while holding your hand." She drew this... for us...

"The door is our future together. We are holding hands because we will get through everything together. Right Jason?" by the time this had happened there where tears in my eyes about what she just had said.

I hugged her and said,"That is right. We will be together to the end no matter what." then she had tears in her eyes too.

Marisol's P.O.V

I guess I did land into a good family this time. It looks to me that this is my real family. We will stay together unroll the end. And no one will get left behind, not even me.

Then Jason picked me up bride style and said,"Your a very smart girl for your age. You know that?" he said still holding on to me tightly. "I refuse to say so Jason,I'm not that smart." then he stopped and put me down and looked into my crystal blue eyes.

"Yes you are. Don't say that you not smart. Cause you are and your my sister. That means I do care for you." then he said,"Tell me this if I got that call that said you where my sister, I cared to go get you. If I did not. Care for you I would of never had gone to get you." there where more tears in my eyes he had some too.

"I went cause I cared, and if something happens to you I don't know what I would of done without you. I would be a mess without you. Because nothing could replace you."

I hugged him back and said,"I love you Jason and I always will no matter what!" "I love you too little sis." then we let the hug go.

"Awwww!!!!" then we saw the group all of them. "You guys are stockers!" Jason and I yelled at the same time "But we just had to hear!" Ty said then Adam had tears in his eyes. "What's wrong Adam?" Jason said. "That was so beautiful!" all of us just burst out laughing at him, and he joins us to.

"Well it's morning so how bout we get started on breakfast!" Seto said after we where done laughing. "Yea!!!" all of us said at the same time."Then go sit at the table. That is if you want to eat."
Then Adam ran to the table and sat down first.

"I don't think I am the only kid in the house Jason." He laughed at what I had said. We when're to the table and say by each other. Then I grabbed Jason's hand and he did the same.

I did land in the right family this time. My life is just beginning.

Ok so all this happens for one drawing. Ok you maybe wondering why I did this.Well I started on it last night because my new best friend Moofia409 ! Sorry if you did not want me to do this I was just so happy!

Anyways thanks for reading my so called book and thanks for the reads if you even read my book. Thanks and see you later Wolfs. IM OUT!!!


I'm Who's Little Sister! ( Minecraftuniverse FF )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant