Why are you so nice?

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Marisol's P.O.V

As I fell asleep, and Jason pushed me off the bed. It made a thud sound. "Ow!"

"What's wrong and why are you on the floor?" Seto said. Then I pointed to Jason taking all the bed space.

"Oh, well you could sleep in my room." he said. Why is he so nice to me I don't deserve this good life! "Are you sure I don't want to cause trouble." "Yea yea go to my room I will be there in a little bit, I just have to clean the living room, go ahead."

I walked in his room and just stood there looking around. About 10-15 minutes later he came in. "You don't have to stand, sit down." "Ok"

We where quiet for a while and he broke the silence."So what do you think of my house?" "It is very big that is one thing." then I brought up that question."Uh... Seto, why are you so nice to me I don't deserve this."

He looked at me and hugged me."You do deserve this. Your nice, Funny, Pretty, and Smart. Don't ever say you do not deserve this life, because you do." by the time he was done I was crying .

Seto's P.O.V

Why would she say that. She was like me when I was her age. But why do they want her? What are they going to do with her?

I need to keep watch on her until I know it is safe. When I looked down she was asleep. "Aww, she is so cute!" "Really Seto." I jumped and almost screamed, but the person covered my mouth.

I put Marisol on my bed with my magic and put a protection shield over her. Then punched the guy in the stomach. Wait that was not just any guy it was Adam!

"What the hell Adam you scared the shit out of me that is the second time today!" he gave me a puzzled look."Jason and Ty scared me this morning when they came." "Oh." Adam said holding his stomach.

"Sorry about that here drink this." I said handing him a potion."Better." "A lot man you can put power into a punch without magic." Then we both burst out laughing but quietly.

???'s P.O.V

"He will pay. And that will be loosing a loved one." then someone came in. "Did you find him?" "No we almost caught her but Jason was not there."

"FUCK!" They can't even catch the girl a 13 year old they can't catch!

"One person did follow her and saw Jason but one of his friends went crazy mad. He has not been herd from." he said

"What now?" he asked "We hunt them down." I said "But how? We don't know where they are at." he said "But if the girl was running into the forest there has to be a house or someone she knows that live in the woods."

"Go get teams L and M, we are going to the forest."


How was this one? I also see I have almost 200 reads. Cool!

???: Jason I'm coming.

Jason: Who are you?!

*stranger grabs Jason's leg*

Jason: SETO!! HELP ME!!


Me: you know we need him alive? ugh Seto can you get Jason.

Seto: sure...

Anyways thank you for reading my so called book. And thanks for the support too. Thanks for reading my book and see you later Wolfs.



I'm Who's Little Sister! ( Minecraftuniverse FF )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora